Tweets to Judith K Stephens

Judith K Stephens's avatar
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Judith K Stephens
Tampa, FL
Retired Tampa FL..2 sons 4 grands. Impeach tRdumpfh Yellow dog Democrat,love cats, vote blue, blue wave 🌊, breast cancer survivor, RESIST
Tweets to this user:
Jennifer Bendery's avatar
From @jbendery
There is a HUGE screen outside of Union Station right now featuring Christine Blasey Ford's testimony in the Senate…
Jennifer Bendery's avatar
From @jbendery
There are also handmaids standing outside the Federalist Society-Brett Kavanaugh dinner. As Federalist Society memb…
Jennifer Bendery's avatar
From @jbendery
Oh man. Anti-Kavanaugh protesters are shouting "I believe Dr. Ford! I believe Anita Hill!" right in the faces of Fe…
Jennifer Bendery's avatar
From @jbendery
Still awkward as all these Fed Society people in tuxes are stuck standing here with people shouting "hey hey, ho ho…
Jennifer Bendery's avatar
From @jbendery
"Thank you Brett Kavanaugh!" -- this one dude with a pro-Kavanaugh sign. Handmaids' eyes are rolling. Couple hundre…
Jennifer Bendery's avatar
From @jbendery
Just skimmed the line of Fed Society gala attendees and pretty sure Eric Murphy is in here. This guy.
Jennifer Bendery's avatar
From @jbendery
Here is the long line of tuxedo'd Federalist Society members for their dinner with Brett Kavanaugh. The line is ins…
Jennifer Bendery's avatar
From @jbendery
Demand Justice also set up this "Kavanaugh lied" banner with balloons right outside the VIP entrance to this Fed So…
Judith K Stephens's avatar
From @NanaJudyinFL
@jbendery @CerridwenHecate Great, I love it. I hope he sees it. #IBelieveChristine #IBelieveAnita
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If he did, what purpose would that serve? Would he resign his lifetime judgeship, the one he got because those like Bendery are so vastly incompetent they've only ever *helped* Trump? MT @NanaJudyinFL ...I hope he sees it MT @jbendery [hypes chintzy anti-Kavanaugh banner]