Tweets to Meredith Marshall

Meredith Marshall's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Meredith Marshall
San Diego, CA
Retired Grandmother, Conservative....Very Conservative! No DM's please I love humor--Lighten up-life is short. Keep it civil #KAG
Tweets to this user:
Byron York's avatar
From @ByronYork
Until January, Hill GOP has no more power than in Oct 2013, when it lost shutdown fight. What do people expect GOPers to do immediately?
Noah Rothman's avatar
From @NoahCRothman
@ByronYork another shutdown.
Joel Gehrke's avatar
From @Joelmentum
@NoahCRothman @ByronYork Some Republicans think they can get Democratic votes this time
Noah Rothman's avatar
From @NoahCRothman
@Joelmentum @ByronYork which wouldn't prevent another shutdown but provide some moral victory. Pyrrhic.
Joel Gehrke's avatar
From @Joelmentum
@NoahCRothman @ByronYork No, I mean, they think (right or wrong) they might have the Senate D votes needed to pass the bill
Noah Rothman's avatar
From @NoahCRothman
@Joelmentum @ByronYork read your piece. Do you see that as a likely outcome?
Joel Gehrke's avatar
From @Joelmentum
@NoahCRothman unlikely, but the vote would be interesting. McCaskill, King, Manchin - how might Landrieu or other red-staters vote?
Meredith Marshall's avatar
From @MeredithMarsha1
@Joelmentum @NoahCRothman Hopefully R's will pass a short term CR and let Obama veto it
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MeredithMarsha1: there's a much smarter way to stop amnesty that doesn't depend on the GOP doing anything. Will you check it out and help?