Tweets to Nannette

Nannette's avatar
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πŸ’‰#Ω♉️#NYC Registered Nurse. #44 always! #TheResistance. Will see 45 brought to justice!βš–οΈ#votelikeblackwomen
Tweets to this user:
Nannette's avatar
From @mehalamaye
RT @jonathanchait: Today we learned that Roger Stone knew in advance about the email hacks, which means Trump himself almost certainly knew…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mehalamaye: nothing @jonathanchait says about Roger Stone would impact him, because Chait isn't allowed to discuss where Trump, Stone, Pence, Marc Short, Rick Perry, etc. etc. are most vulnerable. He's & other #TheResistance leaders are like lethargic, declawed, neutered cats.
Nannette's avatar
From @mehalamaye
RT @TIDALHiFi: Something as simple as clean drinking water can be taken for granted. Donate cases to #PuertoRico via our registry: https://…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mehalamaye: @TIDALHiFi sending water to #PuertoRico from #Amazon = sending t-shirts to Africa. Do a search for why that's dumb.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mehalamaye: #PuertoRico has all the water they need. They need help purifying it. See if @TIDALHiFi steps up to help that.