Tweets to Max Kennerly

Max Kennerly's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Max Kennerly
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Trial lawyer by day. Cookie monster by night.
Tweets to this user:
Dave Weigel's avatar
From @daveweigel
Gonna nuke my mentions with this, but, uh, Sanders won *every* county in NH last time, by a landslide. He did not m…
Max Kennerly's avatar
From @MaxKennerly
@daveweigel The New Hampshire results are rich with bad news for everyone. Probably best if we all pretend it never…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MaxKennerly: as you know, journalists abide by the 'right of reply'. @daveweigel wote about me on his blog, then refused to approve the comment I left where I showed how he lied. Consider not enabling a liar who has no integrity.
Elaina Plott's avatar
From @elainaplott
Security carts out a protester, who Trump says "has a serious weight problem." "Go home, start exercising." Trump…
Max Kennerly's avatar
From @MaxKennerly
@elainaplott "Start exercising?" From the guy who refuses to exercise because he believes the human body works like…
L, prepared to give thanks🦃's avatar
From @socialkosplay
@MaxKennerly @elainaplott I wonder what it feels like to achieve this level of psychological projection and then ju…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump is an adult (albeit a dim one) who acts like a child to rile up #TheResistance so #MAGA can drink their tears. You two just act like children. MT @socialkosplay [Trump smears a fan he thought was a protester for his weight & @MaxKennerly responds with Trump weight smear]
Max Kennerly's avatar
From @MaxKennerly
Evergreen tweet, applicable to everyone. Nobody here is anyone special.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MaxKennerly: FYI, I asked @baseballcrank for help when one of his pals "subtweeted" me with a vile smear. He didn't want to get involved. I can't imagine being depraved enough to do the same.
Max Kennerly's avatar
From @MaxKennerly
Heather Heyer would be alive today if you'd been forced out of your job sooner.
Max Kennerly's avatar
From @MaxKennerly
Let's also talk about privilege and discourse. I'm a 6'5" able-bodied white male. Rightly or wrongly, I see myself…
Max Kennerly's avatar
From @MaxKennerly
Thus, I spend virtually none of my life is spent worrying about if I'll be raped and murdered, or if something bad…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MaxKennerly: what's wrong with the claim that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes (or crimes at a lower rate) than citizens?