Tweets to Mary Gay Scanlon

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Mary Gay Scanlon
Advocate. Attorney. Educator. Mom. Wife. Dog Mom. Congresswoman for Pennsylvania’s 5th district.
Tweets to this user:
Sahil Kapur's avatar
From @sahilkapur
Matt Whitaker: "There was no family separation policy." (There was. The zero-tolerance policy necessitated the sep…
Sahil Kapur's avatar
From @sahilkapur
"Congresswoman, I appreciate your passion for this issue," Matt Whitaker tells @RepJayapal in the face of tough que…
Sahil Kapur's avatar
From @sahilkapur
Matt Whitaker, grilled by Rep. @MaryGayScanlon, won't say if the Justice Department has come up with evidence that…
Sahil Kapur's avatar
From @sahilkapur
This is quite remarkable given how central the nexus of illegal immigration and crime is to the president's politic…
Daryl Robinson's avatar
From @DarylRobinson23
@sahilkapur What if it's a lower rate... so what. That's still a mass of offences that could be prevented
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
That's true, but that's not the argument Trump & MAGA make. Your first job is to stop them from making flawed arguments. MT @DarylRobinson23 What if [illegal aliens commit crime at a] lower rate... so what. That's still a mass of offences that could be prevented