Tweets to Mark Krikorian

Mark Krikorian's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Mark Krikorian
Washington, DC
Executive Director, Center for Immigration Studies, "the leading theorist of immigration restriction in America" -- John Podhoretz
Tweets to this user:
americanwoman's avatar
From @anna_gant
RT @MarkSKrikorian: Dallas Ebola man is another example of how enforcing ordinary immigration standards would have kept out a threat http:/…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@anna_gant: Krikorian is just posturing. Without an action plan, his #ebola complaints mean zilch. #NRO #immigration #teaparty #tcot
Phil in TN's avatar
From @Tn_Hardliner
RT @michellemalkin: ==> MT @MarkSKrikorian Dallas Ebola man shows how enforcing ordinary immig standards would have kept out threat http://…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Un_Progressive: @MarkSKrikorian is just in-group posturing. If he *really* wanted an ebola ban, he'd push an action plan or use mine.
Ian 🍄.🍤. Wilson ⛪️'s avatar
From @ReactionaryIan
RT @MarkSKrikorian: Libertarian luminary @JacobHornberger wants to abolish all forms of immigration control, even screening for disease. #L…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Ian2813: what's your plan to stop Obama's amnesty? If you don't have one and can't find one, will you use mine?'s avatar
From @wwwCISorg
VIDEO: @MarkSKrikorian and Steven Camarota debate @JacobHornberger and @AlexNowrasteh - - #Immigration #Welfare
FieldRoamer's avatar
From @FieldRoamer
Steve Camarota definitely won his debate against Stossel & Nowrasteh. @wwwCISorg @MarkSKrikorian @JacobHornberger @AlexNowrasteh
Jacob Hornberger's avatar
From @JacobHornberger
@FieldRoamer @wwwCISorg @MarkSKrikorian @AlexNowrasteh So say conservatives, who favor immigration socialism (i.e., central planning).
FieldRoamer's avatar
From @FieldRoamer
Sometimes a government has to set limits to guarantee a country's survival. @JacobHornberger @wwwCISorg @MarkSKrikorian @AlexNowrasteh
Jacob Hornberger's avatar
From @JacobHornberger
@FieldRoamer @wwwCISorg @MarkSKrikorian @AlexNowrasteh Just another conservative rationalization for Big Government and less freedom.
FieldRoamer's avatar
From @FieldRoamer
No, what will make smaller government impossible is increasing # of immigrants. @JacobHornberger @wwwCISorg @MarkSKrikorian @AlexNowrasteh
Jacob Hornberger's avatar
From @JacobHornberger
@FieldRoamer @wwwCISorg @MarkSKrikorian @AlexNowrasteh So you want big government so that you can smaller government? Makes a lot of sense.
FieldRoamer's avatar
From @FieldRoamer
Others have written about the new feudalism. @JacobHornberger @wwwCISorg @MarkSKrikorian @AlexNowrasteh
VDARE's avatar
From @vdare
@FieldRoamer @JacobHornberger @wwwCISorg @MarkSKrikorian @AlexNowrasteh Immigration - the Viagra of the State - #tcot
(((The Alex Nowrasteh)))'s avatar
From @AlexNowrasteh
@vdare @FieldRoamer @JacobHornberger @MarkSKrikorian Instead of a vdare post we can look at some econometrics.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@FieldRoamer: point out to Nowrasteh supporters that Big Biz wouldn't push for policies that raised wages. #immigration #libertarian
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MarkSKrikorian: @AnnieLowrey 's NYMag report on Shriver/Marriott is what you'd expect from her class. Ask her how to make MAR pay more.
Mark Krikorian's avatar
From @MarkSKrikorian
"How did we get to the point where the Democratic party is prepared to nullify and wipe away the immigration laws?"
American_Me's avatar
From @Cate_Tweeting
@MarkSKrikorian • Dumbfounding.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Cate_Tweeting: got 1 minute to stop amnesty? Compare to Krikorian's lack of action plans, then urge him to help.
Mark Krikorian's avatar
From @MarkSKrikorian
Homeland Security Chief: Amnesty Delay to Avoid 1994 Midterm Repeat
Dennis E's avatar
From @delohouse
@MarkSKrikorian @mjselker Too late - a slaughter at the polls is already in the mix for dems
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@delohouse: simply losing a few races isn't going to stop amnesty. If you really care, help with my smart plans. #immigration #tcot #tgdn
Unknown user's avatar
From @placeholderacctignorethis
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mjselker: aside from Drudge's border kids blitz, extremely unlikely anything those like @MarkSKrikorian said swayed Obama. Mull that over.
Jeff Burden 🇺🇸's avatar
From @JeffsOcean
Thanks buddy. RT @MarkSKrikorian: @JeffsOcean
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JeffsOcean: compare what Krikorian, NRO, etc. do to my realistic action plan to stop Obama's amnesty: #tcot #sgp
Jon Feere's avatar
From @JonFeere
Delusional amnesty advocates deny that Obama's lawless amnesty plans are wildly unpopular and hurting Dem candidates:
David Pinsen's avatar
From @dpinsen
@JonFeere @MarkSKrikorian elections can be so inconvenient
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@dpinsen: amnesty fans rarely tell the truth. Yet, it continues. Those with megaphones like @MarkSKrikorian just can't seal the deal. #tcot
