Tweets to Mark Ebner Certified

Mark Ebner Certified's avatar
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Mark Ebner Certified
Los Angeles, CA
Award winning journalist, NY Times bestselling author, unlicensed private investigator and husband. True crime Podcasting for the people from #TheGreyZone.
Tweets to this user:
Donald J. Trump's avatar
From @realDonaldTrump
Look forward to being in the Great State of Michigan tonight. Major business expansion and jobs pouring into your Sโ€ฆ
Joanna's avatar
From @JoannaCocoGrove
@realDonaldTrump Are you bringing tons of cases of bottled water for people of Flint?
Mark Ebner Certified's avatar
From @MarkEbner59
@JoannaCocoGrove @realDonaldTrump Yes, Trump will throw bottled water at the people of Flint. #PuertoRico
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MarkEbner59: at this point, Trump can do anything he wants. His loudest opponents are too dim to hold him accountable, such as by engaging his proxies in Socratic debate. What are you doing to change things?
Paul Harris's avatar
From @PaulHarrisShow
At 5:15pm @550KTRS, I'll talk w/journalist @MarkEbner59, who's covered the Bill Cosby allegations for 7 years.
Mark Ebner Certified's avatar
From @MarkEbner59
@PaulHarrisShow @550KTRS Sorry I missed the window Paul. We'll get 'em tomorrow.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MarkEbner59: hey Mark, do you agree with the premise of ? Does that make sense to you? (PaulHarrisShow)