Tweets to Gyneen Lyttle

Gyneen Lyttle's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Gyneen Lyttle
Tennessee, USA
See -- we can work together to make the world a more compassionate and just place one step at a time. Compassion for the poor and oppressed. 💙🇺🇸💙
Tweets to this user:
Tom Steyer's avatar
From @TomSteyer
No one should get to decide who is or isn’t “worthy” of #The5Rights — we all are. That is why we must work together…
Gyneen Lyttle's avatar
From @GyneenL
@TomSteyer This Thanksgiving I am thankful for you and your wife because of the huge effort you are spear-heading t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GyneenL: I've strongly opposed Trump since Day One, but @TomSteyer claim he wants to "make this country more free for everybody" is ironic since he'd impeach Trump just because he disagrees. Steyer can't even figure out how to undercut Trump to his base (!).