Tweets to M. A. Melby

M. A. Melby's avatar
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M. A. Melby
Minnesota, USA
Writer, feminist, atheist, noise musician, physics instructor, Transadvocate contributor; she, cis; opinions my own. Warning: I argue with bigots.
Tweets to this user:
Unknown user's avatar
From @placeholderacctignorethis
M. A. Melby's avatar
From @MAMelby
@wrythink @Patterico Yeah - I know it's leading up to some reveal of him either being a target or something or other.
Taxpayer1234 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸's avatar
From @Taxpayers1234
@MAMelby What @Patterico has endured make the shirt-hater's criticisms minuscule in comparison. @wrythink
M. A. Melby's avatar
From @MAMelby
@Taxpayers1234 @Patterico @wrythink Yes - I'm sure it is. It is very different. Yet, he still thinks he's the expert. Go figure.
Taxpayer1234 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸's avatar
From @Taxpayers1234
@MAMelby He's been doxxed and swatted. Your little friend has experienced neither. Stop exaggerating. @Patterico @wrythink
M. A. Melby's avatar
From @MAMelby
@Taxpayers1234 @Patterico @wrythink Nope. I hear she's been doxxed now.
M. A. Melby's avatar
From @MAMelby
@Taxpayers1234 @Patterico @wrythink I hope it doesn't escalate, but it might. Considering who is targeting, wouldn't put it past them.
(((WitCoHE)))'s avatar
From @E__Strobel
Who is “targeting” her? People who mock her for her hyperactive offense complex? @MAMelby @Taxpayers1234 @Patterico @wrythink
M. A. Melby's avatar
From @MAMelby
@E__Strobel Sorry I missed your question. The same people who were harassing Zoe Quin.
(((WitCoHE)))'s avatar
From @E__Strobel
@MAMelby Turning this into some sort of #Gamergate thing? Pssh. You can’t back that up. @Patterico @Taxpayers1234
M. A. Melby's avatar
From @MAMelby
@E__Strobel I went through a few hundred tweets - found people with gamer-gate icons including the rogue icon. So, yes I can?
(((WitCoHE)))'s avatar
From @E__Strobel
@MAMelby And that’s “proof”? Riiiight. To support a *rumor* that the whiny #Feminazi from #ShirtStorm was doxed. @Taxpayers1234 @Patterico
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@E__Strobel: shirtstorm is important, but stopping amnesty is *vital*. Plz ask @Patterico why he won't help with