Tweets to Logan Dailey

Logan Dailey's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Logan Dailey
Statehouse Staffer and a proud member of Tau Kappa Epsilon (opinions are purely mine)
Tweets to this user:
Congressman Tim Ryan's avatar
From @RepTimRyan
We need new, creative solutions to help rejuvenate struggling communities. This could be one of them - "a visas pro…
Foglandia's avatar
From @BabiesFree
@RepTimRyan We already have these programs you useless tool. Most rural hospitals are staffed by immigrant doctors…
Logan Dailey's avatar
From @LoganDailey1999
@RepTimRyan Please no. The last thing struggling communities is more immigrants to compete with. Fight for better j…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
NeoLiberalism to cure NeoLiberalism. MT @RepTimRyan We need new, creative solutions to help rejuvenate struggling communities. [such as] "visas program for skilled immigrants on the condition they go to one of the areas struggling with demographic decline." We need more of this.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LoganDailey1999: NeoLiberalism (loose borders, free trade, globalism) caused those "struggling communities" @RepTimRyan pretends to care about. His solution is... more NeoLiberalism. Point out to his fans he's on the same side as Koch bros, Big Biz, and... Trump/Kushner.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Sad: MT @BabiesFree [to RepTimRyan] We already have these programs you useless tool. Most rural hospitals are staffed by immigrant doctors/nurses. How about you stand up to your friends in the GOP who want to end these programs. Oh wait, you are just another DINO. #collaborator.