Tweets to Jordan McCloskey

Jordan McCloskey's avatar
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Jordan McCloskey
Salesperson in job title, people-person in practice. BS in Sociology. Husband, Father, Godzilla enthusiast and gamer. #HumanityFirst
Tweets to this user:
Tom Steyer's avatar
From @TomSteyer
To combat the climate crisis we need a president who will take action on day one. I’m prepared to take executive ac…
Jordan McCloskey's avatar
From @LoaphMeat
@TomSteyer This is one of those things I like most about you, Tom. I really hope you go far and make a difference.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Steyer's as much a wannabe dictator as Trump. He hasn't proved his case so he'd do it by executive fiat. And - just like Trump - the courts would block him MT @LoaphMeat [you're great] MT @TomSteyer ...I’m prepared to take executive action and make climate change my top priority
Kendall Karson's avatar
From @kendallkarson
.@AndrewYang qualifies for the December debate, clinching 4% in a new national @QuinnipiacPoll. These are the 7 ca…
Jordan McCloskey's avatar
From @LoaphMeat
@kendallkarson @AndrewYang @QuinnipiacPoll @JoeBiden @PeteButtigieg @amyklobuchar @BernieSanders @TomSteyer @ewarren
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LoaphMeat: @kendallkarson blogs that Yang is now "lone candidate of color". How does Yang's skin tone reflect itself in his policies? Is his, for instance, tax stance imbued with the lessons from his skin tone? Should Persons of Pallor vote for him or just Persons of Color?