Tweets to I AM lisa. Not Paul, Peter or Mary

I AM lisa. Not Paul, Peter or Mary's avatar
Twitter handle: 
I AM lisa. Not Paul, Peter or Mary
Anti-religion Believer of LOVE
Annointed one at 13 A cursed widow at 47 by a religious dad A survivor from natures of hell Sharing good news for brokenhearts Speaks truth 2bullshit natures
Tweets to this user:
Ronna McDaniel's avatar
From @GOPChairwoman
We're on pace to hit a million arrests at the border this year. Yet Bernie Sanders just endorsed a complete ban on…
I AM lisa. Not Paul, Peter or Mary's avatar
From @LisaFraley7
@GOPChairwoman Yes! Ban inhumane deportation. Someone fleeing to safety? We assist, and protect human lifes.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LisaFraley7: actually, encouraging people to come here illegally as you & Dem leaders do *increases* border deaths. No illegal crossers = no border deaths. Large #s of border crossers = large numbers of deaths. Be a real liberal.