Tweets to Laura Helmuth

Laura Helmuth's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Laura Helmuth
Washington DC
Health, science & environment editor at @washingtonpost. President of National Association @ScienceWriters. Was @NatGeo @Slate @SmithsonianMag @NewsFromScience
Tweets to this user:
Terri Harvey's avatar
From @terri_georgia
RT @laurahelmuth: EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt had his staff drive him to multiple Ritz-Carlton hotels in search if a particular lotion t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@terri_georgia: while @eilperin & @laurahelmuth obsess over lotion, Pruitt's policies are harming people. Even if he leaves, Trump'll replace him with someone who'll do the same. Eilperin & Helmuth simply aren't grown-up & patriotic enough to hold the EPA accountable. #WaPo
AJ Saint πŸ‘Όβ˜ˆβ„ VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO, #PRU.'s avatar
From @kingfish7418
RT @laurahelmuth: EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt had his staff drive him to multiple Ritz-Carlton hotels in search if a particular lotion t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@kingfish7418: this appears to be the @laurahelmuth / @eilperin plan: 1. Drive Pruitt out. 2. Trump replace him with someone who'll be less grifty but who'll push the same policies. 3. ??? You should demand Pruitt opponents go after him where they disagree, not on fluff.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@laurahelmuth: @MattYglesias is a lightweight (thinkingwise): But, he does what he's told, right? #ows