Tweets to rhazel

rhazel's avatar
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North of 60•
Old enough to know better 🤫 🦋Animal lover 🐾🐕🐈🐇 🌊love 💕 our 🌎 plz ♻️🕊❄️ ☀️🌲shield maiden 🍀Oh me Nerves🥴 #DumpTrump2020 🤡🎃👻 not🤖
Tweets to this user:
James Comey's avatar
From @Comey
“It feels like a strange and slightly sad old guy yelling at you to get off his lawn, echoed by younger but no less…
Carissa's avatar
From @Carissa5419
@Comey Welcome to cult 45... luckily next year Donald will be done.
Will Chamberlain 🇺🇸's avatar
From @willchamberlain
@Comey I'm not telling you to get off his lawn, @Comey I'm telling you to retire from public life
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's a preschool-level bully. Comey lacks the smarts & life experience to figure out how to turn those attacks around on Trump. It's a good thing he's a *former* FBI director. MT @Carissa5419 [thinks Trump won't be reelected] MT @Comey [I got attacked by Trump]
rhazel's avatar
From @kigaming1
@willchamberlain @Comey
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Chamberlain apparently has no valid argument against Comey aside from preaching to the choir & posturing. MT @kigaming1 MT @willchamberlain [re Comey's whine about being attacked by Trump] I'm not telling you to get off his lawn, I'm telling you to retire from public life