Tweets to Kamil Ahsan

Kamil Ahsan's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Kamil Ahsan
Chicago, IL
History PhD student at Yale. PhD in biology from UChicago. Words: The Nation, NPR, The Baffler, LARB, Catapult, Dissent + others.
Tweets to this user:
Kamil Ahsan's avatar
From @kamuleosaurus
RT @flounderingbear: Pakistan's military and intelligence are among the most evil institutions in the world bent on procuring as much powerโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@kamuleosaurus @flounderingbear: Twitter helps Trump admin officials by censoring 20% to 50% of the replies to them (start at my top tweet). They're probably doing something similar with Pakistan officials. How about helping expose what Twitter is doing?