Tweets to Judy Woodruff

Judy Woodruff's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Judy Woodruff
Washington, D.C.
PBS NewsHour, mom, advocate for those with disabilities
Tweets to this user:
Christine McNichol's avatar
From @Fieryreddragon
RT @CatholicDems: Good job by @gwenifill and @JudyWoodruff in moderating a substantive (and historic) #Demdebate
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Fieryreddragon @CatholicDems: Hill/Bern proposed ideas w/ huge downsides & weren't called on it. That's not "substantive". #DemDebate #ows
bonnie's avatar
From @demTX
@gwenifill @JudyWoodruff this has been an unfair debate every question was posed to Berne giving Hillary always the rebuttal even to the end
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@demTX: do the reporting #PBS refuses to do: If you really want to help Bern, get someone to do that.
Ian Brown's avatar
From @igb
Clear winners of #DemDebate were @gwenifill and @JudyWoodruff.
.oliver's avatar
From @olix0r
@igb @gwenifill @JudyWoodruff really did illustrate how valuable @pbs is
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Were Hill/Bern called on any of the huge downsides in their policies? MT @olix0r [Ifill/Woodruff] really did illustrate how valuable @pbs is
