Tweets to Joe Rizzo🩸🇺🇸🥃

Joe Rizzo🩸🇺🇸🥃's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Joe Rizzo🩸🇺🇸🥃
California, USA
Family, ♑️, Dodgers Baseball, World Champion Kansas City Chiefs!!! Black Guns Matter. 2A. Trump🚂 For Life
Tweets to this user:
Michael Malice's avatar
From @michaelmalice
We don't want some sort of physical barrier "dividing" us from another country.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump "wall" would have big doors & Congress would tear it down. Do your fans know that what you push would lead to more legal & illegal immigration? MT @michaelmalice [attempt at sarcasm] We don't want some sort of physical barrier "dividing" us from another country.
Joe Rizzo🩸🇺🇸🥃's avatar
From @JpRizzo
@24AheadDotCom_ @michaelmalice I think legal immigration is the goal here.
James Fischer's avatar
From @FischerJ_CTE
@JpRizzo @24AheadDotCom_ @michaelmalice They don't get that because they keep assume that we lie like they do.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@michaelmalice: Trump fans @JpRizzo & @FischerJ_CTE want to increase #immigration, they just want that very pro-Big Biz mass immigration that lower wages & harms students to be *legal*. I want to reduce both illegal & legal immigration. Do you stand with Trump & Big Biz?