Tweets to Jorge R. Simao

Jorge R. Simao's avatar
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Jorge R. Simao
New York, USA
Professor of European Constitutional Law Ph.D. - Ph.D. Economics - Lawyer - President Academy Public Policies - Academic Member of United Nations DGACM - CS
Tweets to this user:
Jorge R. Simao's avatar
From @jorgersimao
RT @antonioguterres: Honoured to meet @timberners_lee and to benefit from his wisdom about the opportunities and risks of his invention โ€“ tโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jorgersimao @antonioguterres: look at any web page & you'll see a series of blocks: a slideshow, sidebars, etc. Each of those should be standard, parametized widgets. Due to @timberners_lee incredibly incompetent design, web pages are chunks of crap HTML. Horrific design.