Tweets to Jim Gill

Jim Gill's avatar
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Jim Gill
Washington, DC/ Black Creek Fl
VP Public Sector @Cornerstoneinc US Army (R) , #Author #learning #hrtech #veterans #leadership #politics #golf #football #fishing #godawgs
Tweets to this user:
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@jimmygill: 1 illlegal alien & 1 equally-matched US citizen apply for 1 college slot. In #Texas illegal alien might get…
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@jimmygill: I didn't catch your response. Find "veterans" here: What do you think of him? #tcot …
Eleanor Davis's avatar
From @theeleanordavis
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@jimmygill: 1 illlegal alien & 1 equally-matched US citizen apply for 1 college slot. In #Texas illegal alien might get…
1SG Don's avatar
From @DHTechs
RT @holyghostie: @24AheadDotCom @jimmygill @whitehouse @hhs @ice FEDS allow illegals into US and force State taxpaye…
STRIVE for America's avatar
From @lesstaxingcpa
RT @holyghostie: @24AheadDotCom @jimmygill @whitehouse @hhs @ice FEDS allow illegals into US and force State taxpaye…
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@jimmygill: 1 illlegal alien & 1 equally-matched US citizen apply for 1 college slot. In #Texas illegal alien might get it. You want that?
Gigi!!'s avatar
From @holyghostie
@24AheadDotCom @jimmygill @whitehouse @hhs @ice FEDS allow illegals into US and force State taxpayers to pay for it.
Gigi!!'s avatar
From @holyghostie
@24AheadDotCom @jimmygill @hhs Why does Sec of HHS Burwell demand El Salvador.Honduras.Guatemala reimburse us for feeding their kids.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@jimmygill: I didn't catch your response. Find "veterans" here: What do you think of him? #tcot #tgdn
Jim Gill's avatar
From @jimmygill
RT @anoorani: Oped: Break the Immigration Impasse
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@jimmygill: hey Jim, what do you think about a Rep who wanted to give illegal aliens a better mortgage rate than vets? #tcot #tgdn #ows