Tweets to Jim Cruickshank

Jim Cruickshank's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Jim Cruickshank
Tweets to this user:
Mike Barnicle's avatar
From @mikebarnicle
@JonLemire @colvinj @AP on the bumpy, dangerous ride America is on now.
LitalianoVero's avatar
From @LItalianoVero
@mikebarnicle @JonLemire @colvinj @AP Things are awesome. We are almost done #erasingobama then things will be even better
Jim Cruickshank's avatar
From @JimCruickshank
@mikebarnicle @JonLemire @colvinj @AP Dangerous ride NOW? Imagine what will happen if Trump wins in 2020! Or if he…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Only his judge picks will outlast the Trump admin. His successor will undo everything else & go in the opposite direction. Congress will tear down his "wall". MT @LItalianoVero [to MSM hacks] Things are awesome. We are almost done #erasingobama then things will be even better
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JimCruickshank: 1. Twitter censored your reply to @mikebarnicle (see "LowQuality" at my top tweet). 2. Nothing Barnicle, the AP, etc have ever said has undercut Trump. If Trump had been really questioned about his elevator speech, he would have had to drop out in 2015.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LItalianoVero replies "Only if Dems win it all. Which they won’t" Dems don't have to win it all to rollback almost everything Trump has done, & sooner or later they will win it all. Why do you resist urging Trump to push patriotic plans in smart ways?