Tweets to Jana Monji: The Dragon Lady πŸ‰ from Pasadena

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Jana Monji: The Dragon Lady πŸ‰ from Pasadena
Los Angeles, California
Roger Ebert LA correspondent (, Pasadena Weekly, AsAmNew & movie/theater critic., #Writer #WriterCommunity
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24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@janamonji: 3. It's safe to assume @PeterHotez supports censorship. That's the opposite of science: it's Lysenkoism. Big Oil would censor anti-frackers if they could rather than having a scientified debate. 4. L.A./NYC measles outbreaks are probably due in part to anti-vaxxers.
Jana Monji: The Dragon Lady πŸ‰ from Pasadena's avatar
From @janamonji
@24AheadDotCom_ @PeterHotez Every responsible publication Is required to use some form of censorship due to libel l…
Jana Monji: The Dragon Lady πŸ‰ from Pasadena's avatar
From @janamonji
@24AheadDotCom_ @PeterHotez You misuse the world Lysenkoism. According to Merriam-Webster Lysenkoism is "a biologic…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@janamonji: really basic research will show "Lysenkoism" refers to subjugating science to one's agenda, which is exactly what @PeterHotez (and many others!) do. Instead of a "science-off" to decide who's right, he promotes an MSM hack who'd censor all kinds of dissent.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@janamonji: spreading mis/disinfo is covered by the 1st. If it involves slander/libel, that's a tort. Twitter isn't a publisher: they don't stand behind every tweet on their platform. In any case, you'd let Jack & Zuck decide what 10s of millions can see.
Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD's avatar
From @PeterHotez
My interview with @DavidBrennan100 @Newsweek the AM after yesterday's outrage from a #Texas House Member. We're in…
Jana Monji: The Dragon Lady πŸ‰ from Pasadena's avatar
From @janamonji
@PeterHotez @DavidBrennan100 @Newsweek After reading the Newsweek article, I had to follow you. I'm not in Texas, b…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@janamonji: @PeterHotez is *anti* science. He's a Lysenkoist: he & his MSM pals try to silence those who disagree with their conclusions. That's the opposite of science. I got a measles shot due to anti-vaxxers, but I'll stand with them against lil Honeckers like Hotez any day.
Jana Monji: The Dragon Lady πŸ‰ from Pasadena's avatar
From @janamonji
@24AheadDotCom_ @PeterHotez You're saying a scientist is anti-science? You got a measles shot due to anti-vaxxers?…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@janamonji: 1. @kyurieff of CNN tweets "FB pledged to fight vaccine misinfo [but] Instagram still serves up posts from anti-vaccination accts." Obviously, she's suggesting censorship. Her blog quotes @PeterHotez. 2. PH hypes her blog. If he opposes censorship he's unprincipled.