Tweets to infowars

infowars's avatar
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Austin, Texas
You have found the tip of the spear in alternative media - Circumventing the dying dinosaur media systems of information suppression
Tweets to this user:
Twitter Safety's avatar
From @TwitterSafety
Today, we permanently suspended @realalexjones and @infowars from Twitter and Periscope. We took this action based…
하나님-왕.'s avatar
From @DamnDatBoiDank
@TwitterSafety @RealAlexJones @infowars That’s not abusive behavior: that’s censorship & your actions are exactly w…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DamnDatBoiDank calls Twitter Nazis for banning Alex Jones. How many people with megaphones are going to sign on to that? Posturing makes you feel better, but you feeling better won't undercut Twitter. When you want to undercut Twitter for real, push the data at my top tweet.
ERIK BAILEY!!!!'s avatar
From @Man1228E
RT @scrowder: We had @PrisonPlanet share his thoughts on social media banning @infowars. WATCH => #MugClub #LwC ht…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Now, compare with PJW & Crowder say to the actual data at my top tweet. Twitter is incredibly vulnerable. They *help* Twitter by marginalizing the opposition to their censorship. MT @Man1228E MT @scrowder: We had @PrisonPlanet share his thoughts on social media banning #InfoWars
Deplorable Carla's avatar
From @TrumpTrainOnly
RT @harrison_kampfe: check out my submission @RealAlexJones @infowars @CNN @realDonaldTrump #CNNMemeWar #CNNisISIS #CNN #FakeNews #FakeNew…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TrumpTrainOnly @harrison_kampfe: have you congratulated @RealAlexJones on sharing a tent with Rick Perry at this year's Bohemian Grove?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @infowars: Don King Predicts Trump Victory