Tweets to Jeet Heer

Jeet Heer's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Jeet Heer
1. National-Affairs Correspondent, The Nation 2. email: jeetheer1967 at gmail dot com 3. Twitter essayist 4. Profile drawing by Joe Ollmann
Tweets to this user:
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
As elsewhere in the world, the so-called populist revolt is being funded by plutocrats, often in the finance sector.
VictoryRed's avatar
From @FreddyMagnus
@HeerJeet Who’s funding the Leftists?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Point out *to their fans* that Jeet & other "liberals" push Koch-style NeoLiberal policies: loose borders, free trade, globalism. Undercut them *to their fans* as Big Biz stooges. MT @FreddyMagnus MT @HeerJeet [finally realizes plutocrats fund teaparty-style groups]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
My confidential sources - which include @HeerJeet & @JonathanChait - have informed me that the upcoming Mueller report will result in an immediate impeachment for collusion! The report will be released in March so we're only a few weeks away! #TheResistance!
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
It's interesting conservative intellectuals still see T.S. Eliot as their role model ("The New Criterion"! LOL!) wh…
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
Wyndham Lewis -- a truculent, nihilist insult comedian who liked using slurs for their shock value -- is far closer…
Aleph's avatar
From @woke8yearold
@HeerJeet Good opinion jeet
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@woke8yearold: @HeerJeet has lots of good opinions, all of which he blogs. He's never actually *done* anything; nothing he's ever said has had any impact on anything. If he were smart enough, he'd come up with smart, effective plans that'd undercut Trump. He just isn't capable.
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
Who is the writer who you most disagree with who you've learned the most from? For me: Hugh Kenner and F.A. Hayek.
John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
From @johnastoehr
@HeerJeet Paul Fussell.
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
@johnastoehr Interesting choice. He's up there. Love Great War & Modern Memory but he was cranky as hell.
John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
From @johnastoehr
@HeerJeet Hoo boy.
John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
From @johnastoehr
@HeerJeet His way of laundering pederasty was interesting too. Who was the writer he profiled. Norman Douglas. That…
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
@johnastoehr The autobiography of Fussell's ex-wife has some relevant stuff on that.
John Stoehr's Editorial Board's avatar
From @johnastoehr
@HeerJeet Motherogawd, Jeet. What book haven't you read?
David Dark's Edge of Glory's avatar
From @DavidDark
@HeerJeet What's your disagreement with Hugh Kenner?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DavidDark: I have no idea who Hugh Kenner is, but who @HeerJeet disagrees with has no real bearing on anything. E.g., there are smart things he could have helped with that would have stopped or at least changed Trump. Instead, not one thing he's done has impacted Trump.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@johnastoehr: hey John, there are simple, immediately obvious (to me) thinks @HeerJeet could have done or could do now to undercut Trump. Like challenge Trump proxies on how a future Congress will just neglect/tear down Trump's "wall". That'd really undercut him.
corey robin's avatar
From @CoreyRobin
# of months since Trump first called for Clinton to be locked up: 28. # of days Clinton has spent in jail: 0. # of…
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
@CoreyRobin "Trump only talks about jailing his political opponents and those who investigate him" seems like a wei…
corey robin's avatar
From @CoreyRobin
@HeerJeet What would alarm you, I have no idea; as far as I can see, you have an ever changing goal post for what i…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CoreyRobin: hey Corey, here's a list of 38 anti-Trump efforts that failed miserably (and 1 that slightly worked). How many of those failed efforts has @HeerJeet enabled, and which failed efforts is he enabling now?
just lost a follower 🎻's avatar
From @KStreetHipster
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
@KStreetHipster @dandrezner I stand by this!
just lost a follower 🎻's avatar
From @KStreetHipster
@HeerJeet @dandrezner I mean, that’s fine. I guess I just see his trade protectionism and coziness with autocrats a…
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
@KStreetHipster @dandrezner I said "often" not always! I mean since I've written literally several hundred thousand…
just lost a follower 🎻's avatar
From @KStreetHipster
@HeerJeet @dandrezner I’m giving you a hard time. But not trolling. Love you Jeet.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KStreetHipster: has anything @HeerJeet has ever blogged had an impact on Trump? There are things he could do that'd have a devastatingly effective impact on Trump, why hasn't he done them? Isn't he just another grifter, like a Coulter with even less influence?
Michelle's avatar
From @EmmettMiche11em
RT @CharlesPPierce: @michaelbd @HeerJeet @EricLevitz @michelleinbklyn @MatthewSitman They were unruly adolescent dipwads who decided to moc…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@EmmettMiche11em: Trump shot someone on 5th Ave & is getting away with it. He supports *amnesty*. That's like if Bernie supported bump stocks. @CharlesPPierce @HeerJeet @EricLevitz etc simply aren't smart enough to take advantage of it by helping separate Trump from his base.
Jeet Heer's avatar
From @HeerJeet
Where do you even start?
Robert Jago's avatar
From @rjjago
@HeerJeet Google Streetview.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rjjago: all @HeerJeet etc have said about the wall just helps Trump. That's just reality. Jeet could undercut Trump to his base if he pointed out *to them* that Congress would neglect/tear down the wall when Trump's out of office. That's the vulnerability. Has Jeet done that?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
At #TNR, @HeerJeet blogs "Trump, unrestrained, mocks Christine Blasey Ford". That's incredibly dim by Trump, but then again those like Jeet are even dimmer and even more deranged. They've never been able to undercut Trump in any way, have always just helped Trump.
armandodkos's avatar
From @armandodkos
Is this a joke? All you fucking do is tweet. Shut the fuck up.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@armand odkos: in politics, Trump only cares about #MAGA. Best way to undercut him to them is to show them his plans are unimplementable. Eg, Trump "wall" would be torn down when he's out of office. Ask @HeerJeet why he's never tried to undercut Trump where he's most vulnerable.
