Tweets to hannah gais

hannah gais's avatar
Twitter handle: 
hannah gais
Senior researcher @SPLCenter, and writer @thebafflermag, @NewRepublic etc. Former @HarvardDivinity focused on Orthodoxy. Disclaimer:
Tweets to this user:
Emily Shugerman's avatar
From @eshugerman
Scoop from me: Steven Mnuchin served as the official state point of contact for a company run by Epstein associateโ€ฆ
sky kachina's avatar
From @txpts777
@eshugerman @Delavegalaw no wonder barr had to murder epstein. imagine if he started to talk.
Ttajhell๐Ÿ†˜'s avatar
From @ttajhell
@eshugerman @yashar The more that comes out and as days pass I continue to question Epsteins "suicide"
Diane Thompson's avatar
From @yullady17
@eshugerman @Megawatts55 Take a good look at MUNCHKIN do you not agree he would need help getting laid.
Huey Li's avatar
From @DrHueyLi
@eshugerman @yashar If this guy isn't a pedophile, I don't know what pedophiles should look like.
Pedro da Costa's avatar
From @pdacosta
@eshugerman @hannahgais Holy shit thereโ€™s always a sub-basement.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Don't worry, @eshugerman is going to follow up her Mnuchin expose by going to Mena and looking into that. It should result in impeachment any day now. MT @txpts777 no wonder barr had to murder epstein. imagine if he started to talk
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
He at least got a lot of help. But, one would have to be crazed to think Trump was involved: he'd have tweeted about it 10 times by now. Don't COINTELPRO yourself. RT @ttajhell The more that comes out and as days pass I continue to question Epsteins "suicide"
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Not only do you act like a child & thus help Trump, you can't do a simple search. She's Mrs. America quality. RT @yullady17 Take a good look at MUNCHKIN do you not agree he would need help getting laid.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
For how many centuries has due process been one of the key parts of English/U.S. law? MT @DrHueyLi If [someone in the public eye with a name like Munich] isn't a pedophile, I don't know what pedophiles should look like.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
At first I thought that was satire [referencing Comet Ping Pong] then I saw your employer & I realized you're serious. I'll let those who take you seriously know. RT @pdacosta [to @eshugerman deranged conspiracy theories about Mnuchin] Holy shit thereโ€™s always a sub-basement.
Jared Holt's avatar
From @jaredlholt
This is an absolute bombshell from @hannahgais
Opinion Haver's avatar
From @AsInMarx
@jaredlholt @hannahgais Once again, "infiltrated" is a strong word for walking through the door that was left open for you
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AsInMarx: thank you for your intersectualism, but who would profit from your plan to "abolish & prosecute ICE"? That'd result in many more low-skilled workers coming here, wouldn't it? Which groups would profit from that? Do your fans know how close you are to the Koch agenda?
Davin Pavlas's avatar
From @onidavin
RT @hannahgais: I can't go to my favorite dive bar alone anymore because I'm afraid ISIS will jump out of a corner and get me. https://t.coโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@onidavin @hannahgais @bombsfall: Trump's tweet *helps* terrorists: he's saying terrorism works. Point that out to his fans. #Trump2016
hannah gais's avatar
From @hannahgais
In this latest hot take, @voxdotcom says Sanders is racist because he doesn't support open borders.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@hannahgais: what's your plan to discredit @dylanmatt to his audience over his support for open borders? How can I help in the effort?