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ProPublica's avatar
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New York, NY
Pursuing stories with moral force. Send us things: Newsletter: Also follow @ProPublicaIL. We're there, too.
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Dr. Celine Gounder's avatar
From @celinegounder
Are you a health care provider? Are you facing shortages of personal protective equipment? Reach out to @propublica…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@celinegounder: stop playing partisan games & hyping your podcast. Read your oath and start demanding reporters really press officials on *specific* metrics: how many tests & when. Shame the reporter who asked Trump to rank his response. Once again: read your oath.
Ginger Thompson's avatar
From @gingerthomp1
The FBI Is Investigating Massive Embezzlement of Border Patrol Union Funds. The latest from @ACInvestigates and…
Vicki's avatar
From @USAValues
@gingerthomp1 @Susan_Hennessey @ACInvestigates @JeffErnsthausen @propublica Big surprise. The BUCK STOP AT @realDonaldTrump ! #DefeatTrump
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@USAValues: whatever someone in BP *Union* did or didn't do, #gingerthomp1 has an ulterior motive. She's employed thanks to billionaires, so she pushes stories that help them Every billionaire - even Trump - loves loose borders; #ProPublica focuses on that to help billionaires.
Caitlin Dickerson's avatar
From @itscaitlinhd
NEW: The 16 year old arrived in CBP custody healthy, calm and alert according to medical reports. He died of the fl…
Clen's avatar
From @hopendreams
@itscaitlinhd @maggieNYT @propublica If you take responsibility for someone you have to take responsibility. Full stop.
ConsistentLifeEthic's avatar
From @ProLifeAll
@itscaitlinhd @AnthonyJoyner44 @propublica In normal times this would grab the attention of religious leaders and p…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@hopendreams: BP made tragic mistakes under Obama, GWB, Bubba... Understand why @itscaitlinhd is hyping tragic mistakes: to enable illegal immigration. Her boss (Carlos Slim) profits from it. If she ever mentioned its downsides she'd be out of a job. She also deceives.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ProLifeAll: actually, those like @itscaitlinhd who encourage people to come here illegally are helping *increase* border deaths. They're as immoral as those who sell drugs.
Nacho Nordberg's avatar
From @Pgn3540
@propublica I don't even know what to say. The level of imagination that goes into being this big of an asshole company is just amazing.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Pgn3540: the #propublica blog is from @StefanieDodt & DLind. Lind is a GE-funded corporate hack & has frequently deceived to help Big Biz lower wages. That doesn't mean their blog is wrong, just be very skeptical of both of them.
ProPublica's avatar
From @propublica
Companies offer high payments and bring-a-friend bonuses to Mexicans who cross the border on temporary visas to don…
Christopher Wilson's avatar
From @chrisw_ottawa
@propublica Supposedly Mexicans are all drug dealers, rapists and criminals and must all be stopped at the border b…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@chrisw_ottawa: both Dem & GOP leaders greatly harm Mexico & other countries by encouraging their most active people to come here (to help Big Biz lower wages & racial demagogues increase their racial power). #ProPublica intentionally helps that. Stop enabling them.
Bob Moore's avatar
From @BobMooreNews
IN-BOX: @USBPChief’s email to agents following @propublica revelation of agents engaging in misogyny, xenophobia an…
Christine's avatar
From @workerbee493
@BobMooreNews @USBPChief @propublica Good, now go after these people treating immigration seekers like animals! Jus…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@workerbee493: Trump should do a better job. However, look at what would happen if @BobMooreNews & #ProPublica got their way: we'd have much more legal & illegal #immigration. IOW, they want to greatly increase the labor supply. More labor = lower wages. They're very pro-Big Biz
Christine's avatar
From @workerbee493
@24AheadDotCom_ @BobMooreNews Know who you are supporting! tRump said wages in America are too high! #Resist…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@workerbee493: what makes you think I support Trump?
ProPublica's avatar
From @propublica
NEW: Border Patrol launches an investigation following our story this AM
Bunburry's avatar
From @Bunburry
@propublica This story made me donate to @propublica because this kind of journalism needs to continue.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Bunburry: @propublica is funded by Soros, they don't need your money. What you should be doing is following the money on their coverage. Who profits from it? The answer: Big Biz. If you look at the bottom line & ignore superficialities, they're always trying to help Big Biz.
Every Billionaire Is A Policy Failure's avatar
From @DanRiffle
I hope @propublica wins a Pulitzer for their reporting on @turbotax this year. This is like the 7th unbelievable nu…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I'm sure they will. P.S. Does #ProPublica tell the truth & the whole truth about #immigration topics or do they instead just push the Big Biz agenda? MT @DanRiffle I hope @propublica wins a Pulitzer for their reporting on turbotax
Derek Kravitz's avatar
From @derekkravitz
Congrats to the ⁦@propublica⁩ research team that compiled a database of detention centers across the U.S., despite…
Decca Muldowney's avatar
From @deccamuldowney
@derekkravitz @propublica @IRE_NICAR @clairelyperlman @Amierjeski Amazing! Congrats everybody!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@derekkravitz says "Congrats to propublica⁩ making a db of detention centers, despite vocal opposition [& winning award] @deccamuldowney pats self on back even if no one else will The vocal opposition certainly wasn't Big Biz: you serve their agenda. Way to fight the power.
Ava Kofman's avatar
From @eyywa
RT @aaron_con_choco: The long term pain of self censorship due to government persecution of speech is something many in the US - immigrants…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Govt "persecution of speech" would be a clear 1st Amdt vio. As a @ProPublica reporter, can you give us some examples, or are you just making things up as usual? MT @eyywa MT @aaron_con_choco: The long term pain of self censorship due to government persecution of speech
