Tweets to Michael Gray

Michael Gray's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Michael Gray
Edinburgh, Scotland
Law student at @EdinburghUni. Journalism. Building @TheSkotia. To the left. 🌹Michael_Gray[]
Tweets to this user:
Michael Gray's avatar
From @GrayInGlasgow
Political censorship? This video of a student nurse revealing the truth about media management of Boris Johnson's c…
Wings Over Scotland's avatar
From @WingsScotland
@GrayInGlasgow Artist Taxi Driver had one of Johnson being booed at Addenbrookes which has been bizarrely canned for "copyright violation"
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WingsScotland @GrayInGlasgow: Twitter heavily censors all kinds of users; about 10% to 40% of liberals replying to Trump officials are censored. See the real, reproducible data at my pinned tweet. If you find a reporter to cover that you'll put them in a world of hurt.