Tweets to Ronna McDaniel

Ronna McDaniel's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Ronna McDaniel
@GOP Chairwoman | Wife, mother of two
Tweets to this user:
Mike DeBonis's avatar
From @mikedebonis
If you are telling Dem strategists that OK-05 (Trump+14, Romney+19) is 45% pro-impeach, I'm guessing they are going…
Face Plant into Rock's avatar
From @goroundncircles
@mikedebonis @sahilkapur Maybe this was what @gtconway3d meant when he talked about @parscale apologizing to…
Rachel "The Doc" Bitecofer 📈🔭🍌's avatar
From @RachelBitecofer
@mikedebonis Yep. Also if you want some real swing voter polling on impeachment, I ran one in swing districts in VA…
Mathew Helman's avatar
From @MatHelman
@RachelBitecofer @mikedebonis Anytime @parscale or @GOPChairwoman or anyone of that ilk talks about poll numbers, d…
George Conway's avatar
From @gtconway3d
@mikedebonis @atrupar Wow. And the Republican incumbent who lost in ‘18 had won with 60.1% and 57.1% of the vote i…
Doug Gordon's avatar
From @dgordon52
@gtconway3d @mikedebonis @atrupar So Brad cherry-picked the best numbers he could find and they are still a disaste…
GretaOwnedTrump🌊🌊🌊's avatar
From @realjstrandt
@dgordon52 @gtconway3d @mikedebonis @atrupar He only hires "other stable geniuses" that have the IQ of fucking rock.
06.Munin's avatar
From @6Munin
@realjstrandt @dgordon52 @gtconway3d @mikedebonis @atrupar Don't insult rocks like that, man. They can't help being…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@realjstrandt: speaking about smarts, questions that (for me) are very easy to devise would reveal to Trump fans that his wall will never work & that his ban wasn't needed or hurt the USA. Since doing either would greatly harm Trump to his base, why hasn't @dgordon52 done them?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@6Munin: see my Trump posts. Starting way back in Aug 2015 I correctly predicted how his grand plans would fail. People didn't vote for him over his tweets, but over his promises. @dgordon52 could've used my arguments to destroy Trump to his base. Explain his malfunction.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
So, if impeachment != ejection but instead reelection, your career is over (with my help). MT @RachelBitecofer [cheers impeachment] in swing districts in VA a few weeks ago: 55% support of the impeachment inquiry among those likely voters
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MatHelman: heyoo Mat, Parscale is extremely vulnerable to his base because it's incredibly easy to see that he's either misleading about Twitter censorship, or he can't even do basic research. Calling him on that would really undercut him & Trump. When will you do it?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@goroundncircles: Kellyanne, Parscale, & Trump are all extremely vulnerable to MAGA: - KA got paid by Zuck to deceive about amnesty - BP *helps* Twitter censorship - Trump is a big amnesty fan. What sort of failure leads to @mikedebonis etc not using those huge vulnerabilities?
Texas Mike 🇺🇸🐕🏍's avatar
From @MikeyDog
@GOPChairwoman #SecureTheBorder #BuildTheWall End #CatchAndRelease End #ChainMigration End #VisaLottery Ban…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MikeyDog: @GOPChairwoman is right that the "2020 Democrats need to be asked if they agree with this insanity [Bernie Sanders just endorsed a complete ban on deportations]". For very tough immigration questions, see my site. They'll make Dems look *very bad*. Help out!
Ronna McDaniel's avatar
From @GOPChairwoman
We're on pace to hit a million arrests at the border this year. Yet Bernie Sanders just endorsed a complete ban on…
I AM lisa. Not Paul, Peter or Mary's avatar
From @LisaFraley7
@GOPChairwoman Yes! Ban inhumane deportation. Someone fleeing to safety? We assist, and protect human lifes.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LisaFraley7: actually, encouraging people to come here illegally as you & Dem leaders do *increases* border deaths. No illegal crossers = no border deaths. Large #s of border crossers = large numbers of deaths. Be a real liberal.
Allen Sutton's avatar
From @StewardshipAmer
@GOPChairwoman @realDonaldTrump President @realDonaldTrump by his tax, regulatory, and trade policies, has created…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@StewardshipAmer: @GOPChairwoman is acting exactly like an SJW by assuming "Hispanic Americans" are a unified bloc. The GOP has bought into far-left Gramscian concepts as much as the Dems have, they'll just always lose at it.
Ronna McDaniel's avatar
From @GOPChairwoman
Our data shows @realDonaldTrump’s approval among Hispanic Americans in Texas has increased by 20% since 2016. Tha…
Christie 🇺🇸's avatar
From @ChristieC733
@GOPChairwoman @realDonaldTrump As a fellow Texan, I’ve personally met many Hispanics that are Conservative who su…
AmyInNeptune68's avatar
From @Amstrix1
@GOPChairwoman Wrong wrong wrong- human rights, smart strong border, legal asylum process with adequate judges, a p…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
She's lying, but you got taken in by pro-Big Biz Dem talking points. MT @Amstrix1 [to @GOPChairwoman lying about Dems wanting "open borders"] [no, they want] ...a pathway to citizenship for those already working paying taxes and part of the big economy that would fail w/o them
Lee Kanne's avatar
From @cap54
@GOPChairwoman Melania Trump arrived in U.S.and worked outside the legal limits of her visa. How did she obtain leg…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@cap54 [bio: "Commander Ethan Hawk of FireTeam Raven in Microsoft’s video arcade version of “HALO”"]: how many similar ad homs have completely failed over the last 4+ years? Do you think if enough repeat a failure it'll become a success? Are you even thinking?
Ronna McDaniel's avatar
From @GOPChairwoman
Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders & Joe Biden are all for open borders. They want to decriminalize I…
Covfefe Jones- King Of Shade👑 FBR 🌊🌊's avatar
From @King_Of_Shade
@GOPChairwoman And All the Republicans are for Concentration Camps, except Paul Ryan. Oh,btw, how did that Census…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@King_Of_Shade: actually, both the GOP & Dem leaders are very pro-Big Biz. If they didn't pander to Big Biz they'd be out of a job. There are smart ways to show Ronna McDaniel wrong to her base. List the smartest plans to do that that lib leaders have developed:
Aaron Rupar's avatar
From @atrupar
.@RepMarkMeadows begins CPAC with this rip-roarer: "You know, with this Green New Deal, they're trying to get rid o…
Aaron Rupar's avatar
From @atrupar
Meadows mischaracterizes Cohen's testimony, falsely says he said there's "no evidence of collusion" when in fact he…
Aaron Rupar's avatar
From @atrupar
Mark Meadows does not have a future in comedy: "They may call you deplorable, but most people will call you adorabl…
Aaron Rupar's avatar
From @atrupar
Holy shit -- here's @ScottWalker suggesting some people "take the baby home and kill the baby at home." "By the wa…
Aaron Rupar's avatar
From @atrupar
.@GOPChairwoman Ronna McDaniel: "People eating dog food to survive. That's the path Democrats want to take us down."
Aaron Rupar's avatar
From @atrupar
Former Trump White House official Sebastian Gorka: "They want to take away your hamburgers. This is what Stalin dre…
Aaron Rupar's avatar
From @atrupar
.@VanJones68 what are you doing?
Aaron Rupar's avatar
From @atrupar
LOL @mschlapp is owning Van Jones. Good job, good effort.
Aaron Rupar's avatar
From @atrupar
VAN JONES: "I've never seen a bird fly with only a left wing... we need each other." ‍️‍️‍️
Aaron Rupar's avatar
From @atrupar
VAN JONES to CPAC: "Here's the deal -- the conservative movement in this country... is now the leader on this issue…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@atrupar: @VanJones68 is a Truther, look it up. Do your #Vox colleagues know you're promoting a Truther?
Citizens Advice Bureau USA✍️'s avatar
From @festiusgames
@GOPChairwoman She has done a lot of good for consumers with the consumer protection bureau that the GOP is trying to destroy completely.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@festiusgames: any good Liz Warren did from CFPB would be wiped out by her very pro-Big Biz immigration stance: she'd help U.S. Chamber etc greatly lower wages. @GOPChairwoman can't mention that because GOP & Trump *agree* with Warren. Do you want to enable that or oppose it?
