Tweets to Fox News

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The Democrats's avatar
From @TheDemocrats
We’ve put together recommendations on how to combat online disinformation — just in time to share with friends and…
Kats's avatar
From @Didikatz
@TheDemocrats Start with @foxnews.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Didikatz: the @TheDemocrats disinfo ideas boil down to "DO NOT question authority". Among other things, they hype Snopes (which lied about no-show jobs after Katrina than tried to cover it up) & MMFA (which strongly opposes open debate). Be a real liberal.
Ainsley Earhardt's avatar
From @ainsleyearhardt
Decorating for #Christmas for our FOX News Christmas Special. It will air closer to the 25th. @foxandfriends…
Jim Wilson's avatar
From @JimSurveyor
@ainsleyearhardt @foxandfriends @FoxNews Is it just me, or don’t you think @ainsleyearhardt would do a great job st…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JimSurveyor: remember this? HANNITY: They’re worried about porcupine, caribous-always some animal they are worried about. EARHARDT: Right. But what about us and our energy? @ainsleyearhardt isn't Hallmark material, she's right at home at #FoxNews.
ObserveAndRetort's avatar
From @AndRetort
Why are all @FoxNews and @FoxNewsPolitics tweets from 11/8/18 or earlier? What’s going on here?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AndRetort @Excalib88557245: the best thing Fox could do against Twitter censorship is to finally tell the truth about it. Most of the 300 million users could be impacted (see my pinned tweet). They falsely pretend only a million or so are impacted. They marginalize the issue.
Mark Stern's avatar
From @mfstern
@mikiebarb Time to ask @GeraldoRivera what he thinks of @FoxNews who promote Trump's words and actions.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Mark Stern isn't smart enough to know how Geraldo would respond to such a worthless question. MT @mfstern Time to ask GeraldoRivera what he thinks of FoxNews who promote Trump's words and actions.
GolfDude2000's avatar
From @GolfDude2000
@cmarinucci @chrislhayes @FoxNews @IngrahamAngle We can laugh but the fact is that millions of Americans watched th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GolfDude2000: I'm sure the Ingraham rat ep was wrong in various ways. @cmarinucci would completely ignore some of those ways since they don't fit her narrative, and for the other ways she can't/won't show them wrong. Like MAGA, #TheResistance get suckered by grifters.
Krishan Patel's avatar
From @IAmKrishanPatel
@cmarinucci @FoxNews @IngrahamAngle This is @TheOnion-level material.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
How so exactly? Try to do USC-level tweets. MT @IAmKrishanPatel [to @cmarinucci 's Ingraham chyron about supposed rat outbreak] This is TheOnion-level material.
Carla Marinucci's avatar
From @cmarinucci
I kid you not, this is the current Chyron on @foxnews ⁦@IngrahamAngle⁩
Bradd Silver's avatar
From @miltsdad
@cmarinucci @chrislhayes @FoxNews @IngrahamAngle I personally live in a leftist California city. We believe rats be…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You must be on every phone list in the U.S. Who's "we"? Is there anything wrong with what Ingraham said? Do you approach the immigration issue cognizant of all aspects? MT @miltsdad I personally live in a leftist California city. We believe rats belong in cages & people do not.
Carl DeMaio's avatar
From @carldemaio
We have a rat problem! Tonight at 740pm PT, I’ll be on @IngrahamAngle discussing our shocking new report showing…
EJE's avatar
From @Gene_972
@carldemaio @IngrahamAngle @FoxNews Yeah, DemocRATs.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Gene_972: @carldemaio tries to pin a supposed rat problem on the homeless. It's dishonorable to punch way down like that, esp given that a major reason for homelessness is the anti-American NeoLiberal policies (loose borders/free trade/globalism) those like DeMaio push. #KOGO
JamesDotan's avatar
From @James18D
@NextRevFNC @SteveHiltonx @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews Great show Steve offering an amazing positive exposure on POTUS…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
That's the same thing CNN does with Kamala, Warren, Buttigieg, etc. etc. I thought you were better than this. MT @James18D [re the Steve Hilton / @NextRevFNC fluffing of Trump] Great show Steve offering an amazing positive exposure on POTUS with details that no one discussed
The Next Revolution's avatar
From @NextRevFNC
.@SteveHiltonx's exclusive sit-down interview with @realDonaldTrump is TONIGHT at 9PM ET on @FoxNews - you can't mi…
Kristy Swanson's avatar
From @KristySwansonXO
@NextRevFNC @SteveHiltonx @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews It was fantastic!!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KristySwansonXO cheers @stevehiltonx doing to Trump what CNN does to Kamala. Did Steve call Trump on how merit-based #immigration would braindrain 3rd world, leading to increased terrorism, crime, famine, etc that would harm the USA too? @NextRevFNC
