Tweets to ERKEYZOO

ERKEYZOO's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Rialto, CA
Passenger on this spaceship called earth 🌏 I write jokes for people who tell jokes. Plant-Based Private Chef πŸ”ͺ
Tweets to this user:
Bruce T Maxwell's avatar
From @bruu_truu13
This now has gone from just a BlackLives Matter topic to just complete inequality of any man or woman that wants to stand for Their rights!
Zombieson00's avatar
From @oxford99dude
@bruu_truu13 This is what happens when sports tries to mix with political #sticktothegame
ERKEYZOO's avatar
From @erkeyzoo
@oxford99dude @bruu_truu13 only racist trump supporters say keep it off the field. Trump facilitated it and all athletes will stand as one.
DailyRotoHelp's avatar
From @FantasyAdvice22
@erkeyzoo @oxford99dude @bruu_truu13 That's not true. Don't pull that bullshit card. I'm not a trump supporter but…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@FantasyAdvice22: tell it to @RichLowry & #MAGA. They think Trump toxifying opposing BLM as a "Trump thing" is a genius move. #idiocracy