Tweets to Erin Biba

Erin Biba's avatar
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Erin Biba
Deep Space Nine
Freelance Science Journalist - National Geographic, BBC, Scientific American, NBC News, PopSci, Gizmodo, Earther, Dame, WIRED and others. Fact Checker.
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@howardowens: plus, those like @erinbiba have been trained by "liberals" pushing NeoLiberalism to agree with Koch loose borders propaganda. They've got more in common than they'd care to admit.
Erin Biba's avatar
From @erinbiba
This is disgusting @Poynter why would you parter with the Kochs who are doing huge amounts of damage to free press…
Howard B. Owens's avatar
From @howardowens
@erinbiba @dangillmor @Poynter The Koch’s are a huge ally to a free press (they’re libertarians after all). It woul…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
So, if they asked you to mislead about immigration you'd do it? RT @howardowens [to erinbiba] The Koch’s are a huge ally to a free press (they’re libertarians after all). It would be foolish not to work with them. Charles Koch, if you’re listening, I’ll take your money any time.