Tweets to Debra Garrett

Debra Garrett's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Debra Garrett
Florida, USA
American living in beautiful RED FLA. I ❤️ my Family, God, America, the Military, Golf and Country Music #Trump2020 #KeepAmericaGreat
Tweets to this user:
David Stegall's avatar
From @thatstegallguy
@debragarrett @usminority @realDonaldTrump and the @GOP did NOTHING about the border when they held the House, Sena…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@thatstegallguy: Trump has been railing about border issues for 4+ years; it's one of the first things he said when he announced. The same people feeding you that talking point have never been able to show Trump's policies wrong/ineffective.
Brandon Straka's avatar
From @usminority
“In January of 2017, I bitterly proclaimed on social media that I would never be able to understand how anybody cou…
Debra Garrett's avatar
From @debragarrett
@usminority I love President Trump!! #Trump2020Landslide
Alison Miller's avatar
From @AlisonM49811465
@debragarrett @realDonaldTrump @usminority Some women love womanizers. ‍️ Zero respect for any man who cheats on…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AlisonM49811465: I don't know if you're a real person or not, but it should be obvious by now that how those like you do things does not work. There are smart ways to undercut Trump. List the smartest plans your leaders have so far presented:
Tim Donnelly's avatar
From @PatriotNotPol
Hey @seanhannity This may be news to the rest of the country, but it's just another #Tuesday to those of us living…
Debra Garrett's avatar
From @debragarrett
@PatriotNotPol @seanhannity Tim time to move
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@debragarrett: if someone ran as a full-on San Francisco liberal in rural Alabama, you'd think they're just a grifter trying to *lose* in order to get a radio show, speaking gigs, etc. @PatriotNotPol ran as full-on Teaparty - even with a cowboy hat! - in California.