Tweets to Dan Bongino

Dan Bongino's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Dan Bongino
Florida, USA
2X NYT Bestseller. Former Secret Service Agent & GOP Nominee for US Senate & Congress. Contributing Editor Conservative Review. Podcast:
Tweets to this user:
Tom Fitton's avatar
From @TomFitton
And now I see @dbongino is also being censored. This coup has led to mass censorship, at the urging of leftist publ…
Tom Royce's avatar
From @TomRoyce
@TomFitton @dbongino @realDonaldTrump Tom, please, please, please file a FOIA to get any correspondence between You…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TomRoyce: @TomFitton has no clue about what Twitter actually does. Create a test Twitter account and look at Ajit Pai's replies. Those behind 'Show more replies' are censored & most are from his opponents. Fitton *helps* Twitter by shrinking their potential opposition.
Lee Stranahan's avatar
From @stranahan
I understand that you like both of us and feel that you have learned from both Dan and I. And I understand that it…
Dan Bongino's avatar
From @dbongino
@stranahan “I’m on the Russian payroll now, when you work at Sputnik you’re being paid by the Russians,” former Bre…
Liberty Loving American's avatar
From @lighthall_larry
@dbongino @stranahan Dan we are with you bud. Time to debunk!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@lighthall_larry: instead of enabling the grifterthon btw @dbongino & @Stranahan, how about putting USA first for once? Trump recently said he wants to work with the Dems on amnesty. Do you see either of those grifters doing things that'd force Trump to back off amnesty?
Todd Marland's avatar
From @todd_marland
RT @dbongino: So, just to be clear, in California you get a pardon from the liberal Governor for actual crimes while the Sheriffs, who actu…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If Bongino were smart he wouldn't call Brown "liberal". He'd point out how Brown *isn't* liberal to undercut him to #resist. MT @todd_marland RT @dbongino: So, just to be clear, in California you get a pardon from the liberal Governor for actual crimes while the Sheriffs [etc]
Dr. Mikey's avatar
From @mdd0027
RT @dbongino: Remember, Obama had a filibuster-proof Democrat majority for months during his early tenure and did nothing on immigration. N…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Now Trump's pushing the same amnesty Obama failed at. The one Soros has spent millions promoting. #MAGA ♥ Pelosi Schumer & Soros! MT @mdd0027 RT @dbongino: Remember, Obama had a filibuster-proof Democrat majority for months during his early tenure and did nothing on immigration
Howard Rothenburg's avatar
From @hrothenb
RT @DanaGutfeld: @seanhannity @SebGorka @SaraCarterDC @GreggJarrett @edhenry @dbongino #Hannity ignores immigration Why is he avoiding the…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Hannity came out for amnesty years ago (probably due to pro-amnesty Murdoch). If you truly oppose amnesty, then go after reachable Trump proxies like Dilbert, Christopher Ruddy, etc. Use amnesty to destroy careers MT @hrothenb @DanaGutfeld [why does #Hannity] ignores immigration
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@dbongino calls @MarcACaputo a "POS". If he'd just helped my campaign to show that he's a POS: #Florida
Dr. Diane🇺🇸🌟🌟🌟's avatar
From @elmorephd
RT @24AheadDotCom_: Zing! #GOP RT @iiarwatch @realDonaldTrump @elmorephd @dbongino must be that time of the month for Donna Lemon; she's al…
Donald J. Trump's avatar
From @realDonaldTrump
"@dbongino: ‘Now cut off my mic!’ Bongino refuses to be bullied by Don Lemon over Trump, 2nd Amendment – HEATED!"
Deplorabledonnawoman's avatar
From @iiarwatch
@realDonaldTrump @elmorephd @dbongino must be that time of the month for Donna Lemon; she's always so miserable.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Zing! #GOP RT @iiarwatch @realDonaldTrump @elmorephd @dbongino must be that time of the month for Donna Lemon; she's always so miserable.
Debbie's avatar
From @DebsFriends
RT @RobManess: "Rob Maness is exactly what the U.S. Senate needs. This is no time for connected insiders," @dbongino
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DebsFriends @RobManess can't even answer basic questions about how his plans would fail. Scroll down:
Unknown user's avatar
From @placeholderacctignorethis
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@perry1949: Trey Gowdy wants to legalize most illegal aliens, whatever red meat he throws to #teaparty. @dbongino