Tweets to David Frum

David Frum's avatar
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David Frum
Author Trumpocalypse: Restoring American Democracy, on sale May 5, 2020. Read more at The Atlantic. Reach me via
Tweets to this user:
David Frum's avatar
From @davidfrum
Trump proposes to be chauffeured a lap at Daytona. When Michelle Obama attended a Nascar event in 2014, she was boo…
nancy cronvich's avatar
From @FT1965
@davidfrum Let him drive himself
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@FT1965: alternatively, urge @davidfrum not to fall into Trump Trap #87567646434587579 (Daytona) but instead point out to MAGA how fake Trump is on immigration. Wouldn't that be smarter than constantly falling into Trump's traps?
Martin Pengelly's avatar
From @MartinPengelly
How to dump Trump: @TheRickWilson on Running Against the Devil … … with a cc for some other Republican Trump criti…
norm de plume's avatar
From @CindyNormancin
@MartinPengelly @SykesCharlie @TheRickWilson @gtconway3d @SteveSchmidtSES @davidfrum @rickwtyler @BillKristol…
DJ Jazzy Jew's avatar
From @realDJ_JazzyJew
@MartinPengelly @TheRickWilson @gtconway3d @SteveSchmidtSES @davidfrum @rickwtyler @SykesCharlie @BillKristol…
Joanne Berg's avatar
From @bejoan5
@MartinPengelly @TheRickWilson @gtconway3d @SteveSchmidtSES @davidfrum @rickwtyler @SykesCharlie @BillKristol…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Rick's a corporate stooge. So too is Trump. They're just different flavors. If Rick ever won something it'd be GWB Part 2. MT @CindyNormancin [I like] @TheRickWilson and respect what he’s doing. I’d like to believe that [if he finally won something he'd be kumbaya, not partisan]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Anytime in last 4+ years, Rick could've easily stopped Trump by making arguments that resonate with MAGA. He's never done that. He's never had & never will have any impact. MT @bejoan5 The DEMS would be wise to listen to @TheRickWilson MT @MartinPengelly [Rick has advice] .
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@realDJ_JazzyJew: since 2015 I've posted how to undercut Trump *to his base*, where it matters. @MartinPengelly & @TheRickWilson have never done that; they've never even tried it; it isn't even on their radar. Taking their advice = four more years of Trump.
NC Vates's avatar
From @NCVates
@davidfrum While Trump's tweet raises serious issues about a President flouting the rule of law, the plain truth th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NCVates: if @davidfrum were smart & sincere, it'd be easy for him to engage a Trump proxy in debate and force them to admit that the "wall" - Trump's signature issue - won't last. Frum could show that Trump's signature issue is vaporware, greatly harming Trump. Why hasn't he?
David Frum's avatar
From @davidfrum
Joshua P. Cohen's avatar
From @JoshuaPCohen1
@davidfrum And Republicans like Chuck Grassley say nothing. Grassley championed the whistleblower, has long advocat…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JoshuaPCohen1: @davidfrum is employed by Mrs Steve Jobs. Just as Koch lackeys sing the Koch tune, he sings Apple's. Everything he says about Trump reflects poorly on him. Trump's doing X? That's because those like Frum have the means to stop it, but lack the smarts or will.
Bobby Umar | Keynote Speaker's avatar
From @raehanbobby
RT @davidfrum: You need a spreadsheet to keep track of the scandals
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@raehanbobby: I've opposed Trump since Day One. The mirjordan is (or should be) incredibly obvious propaganda designed to help Big Biz lower wages. @davidfrum appears to have fallen for it, despite his supposed opposition to NeoLiberal attempts to harm workers.
David Frum's avatar
From @davidfrum
You need a spreadsheet to keep track of the scandals
Jon Abrams's avatar
From @JonathanAbrams
@davidfrum A heavily indexed database.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JonathanAbrams sez "heavily indexed database" to @davidfrum falling for propaganda designed to lower wages on US workers (& that would also harm developing countries). Hey Jon, is the plan at the link better than what Youtube did?
Dr. Debra Soh's avatar
From @DrDebraSoh
Censorship is never the solution. Let @davidfrum and @StephenBannon speak
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Censorship is the solution for #Twitter: they heavily censor all kinds of users & about as many libs as cons. Breitbart & other r/w sources know about the data at my top tweet but refuse to call Twitter on it. Please explain. MT @DrDebraSoh Censorship is never the solution
Stephen Sestanovich's avatar
From @SSestanovich
Read @davidfrum and you'll see why Trump's embrace of the term "nationalist" is probably winning him votes in the r…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Each morning you should thank your lucky stars etc that Trump isn't smart/sane/patriotic. If he were he could do lasting damage to globalism. MT @SSestanovich Read davidfrum and you'll see why Trump's embrace of the term "nationalist" is probably winning him votes
J.D. Vance's avatar
From @JDVance1
Melting Pot or Civil War, by @reihan, is simply an incredible book on the politics and policy of immigration. It c…
John C. Halloran's avatar
From @johnchalloran
@JDVance1 @davidfrum @reihan What exactly *are* "open borders" anyway? Makes it sound like letting anybody from any…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@johnchalloran: @reihan on #immigration is a joke: he doesn't understand how things actually work. See one of my recent posts. You'd be better served pointing that out & pointing out that Salam and @JDVance1 support amnesty (*to their audience*).
Molly's avatar
From @Plantflowes
RT @davidfrum: Neither Drudge nor Breitbart nor Fox News covered Trump’s radical immigration reversal. But @TheAtla…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Plantflowes: Trump didn't really reverse himself on DACA. I've been pointing out how weak he is on #immigration since Aug 2015. #resist
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Plantflowes: if you really want to undercut Trump, go after his top fans. Get them to support or oppose Trump's amnesty. #TheResistance
