Tweets to ConsvInCali - Text TRUMP to 88022

ConsvInCali - Text TRUMP to 88022's avatar
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ConsvInCali - Text TRUMP to 88022
San Diego
Retired educator fb: @carrieksada @Jali_Cat @PaulSperry_ @PoliticalShort @LindaSuhler @CVPayne @FiveRights @lrihendry @ROHLL5 @ScottPresler @Jamierodr14 #KAG
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Jessica Vaughan's avatar
From @JessicaV_CIS
You Can't Make This Up, Chapter 2: Liz Mateo, just hired by Calif state govt as a "hero Dreamer," apparently has a…
ConsvInCali - Text TRUMP to 88022's avatar
From @ConsvInCali
@JessicaV_CIS @latimes To quote all liberals, "I'm offended."
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ConsvInCali: 1+ years ago I pointed out how @JessicaV_CIS is harming the USA. Please read it & really think it through. Given how much Trump supports amnesty, wasn't I right? #immigration #MAGA
ConsvInCali - Text TRUMP to 88022's avatar
From @ConsvInCali
RT @realDonaldTrump: Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, just misrepresented me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary, w…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ConsvInCali: Trump could undercut Warren by discussing her #immigration stance. Has he done that or just called her names? #Trump2016