Tweets to Fiducia ( #TeamJoe Text Join to 30330 )

Fiducia ( #TeamJoe Text Join to 30330 )'s avatar
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Fiducia ( #TeamJoe Text Join to 30330 )
One World, One Family of All Beings. Justice, Equality, and Human Rights for All. #ObamaCrat #PresidentObama #MichelleObama #NeverMarxists #ImWithHer #ILikeMike
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Joan Walsh's avatar
From @joanwalsh
I'm just gonna say it and go to bed: By far, the two best candidates in this field of two dozen are women. By far.
Fiducia ( #TeamJoe Text Join to 30330 )'s avatar
From @cmpnwtr
@joanwalsh @JRubinBlogger The best candidate doesn't always win.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@cmpnwtr: so, you're a "One World, One Family" type yet you sign on to @joanwalsh 's gender divisiveness? If Liz Warren weren't the right gender, Joan might be patriotic enough to call her out on her very pro-Big Biz, Koch-style immigration stance.