Tweets to CLEAR

CLEAR's avatar
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Making life easier with a tap, blink, or glance. ✈️ Breeze through security 🎟️Get into the game 🚗Hit the road faster 💙#CLEARsavedme
Tweets to this user:
Texas Longhorns's avatar
From @TexasLonghorns
Keepin' this on repeat. #HookEm | #FallonTonight
Val Santos's avatar
From @ValSantosOnAir
@TexasLonghorns It seriously made me cry lol
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ValSantosOnAir: hey Val, there's a @TexasLonghorns tweet at the @clear page. It looks like an ad, but there's no disclaimer. Can you ask UT if they got paid for it & how much? Also, read up on similar past efforts: Verichip, Admiral Poindexter, Total Info Awareness, etc.
Texas Longhorns's avatar
From @TexasLonghorns
HOOK 'EM HORNS! Dicker strikes again. #HookEm
James Williams's avatar
From @JamesWi62221185
@TexasLonghorns Two embarrassing wins against the state of Kansas. At least our Kicker is clutch.. Coaching is still, uninspiring.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JamesWi62221185: @Clear has a @TexasLonghorns tweet that looks like an ad, I'm trying to find out if UT got paid for it (it's not IDed as an ad) and how much. Maybe you can ask them. Also, do you remember Total Info Awareness, Verichip, John Poindexter, etc.?
Ryan Trout ➐'s avatar
From @RyanTroutSays
My quote in today’s @WSJ. My love for @Clear knows no bounds.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RyanTroutSays: I'm a @clear customers and they're great! I just wish they'd switch from fingerprints (which can be faked) to iris scans (which can't).