Tweets to Chloe is ready for impeachment

Chloe is ready for impeachment's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Chloe is ready for impeachment
Philadelphia, PA
I follow back resisters of Benedict Donald. I also FBPE because it’s all connected. If you annoy, I🚫 freely & w/o shame. #wtp2020 Alt account = @chloe_resists
Tweets to this user:
Chloe is ready for impeachment's avatar
From @chloewildner
If you’re not following Will Bunch, you should. You know that stuff you’re always saying the press should write abo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@chloewildner: @Will_Bunch refers to "Trump's Nuremberg-style rallies". Let's assume he's right. Now, list all the things he & #TheResistance have done that have undercut Trump to his base. Haven't you, Bunch, & all the rest just helped someone you think is like Hitler?