Tweets to CA State Auditor

CA State Auditor's avatar
Twitter handle: 
CA State Auditor
Sacramento, CA
Led by CA State Auditor Elaine Howle, the CA State Auditor's office serves Californians by independently auditing state, local, or publicly created entities.
Tweets to this user:
Brian Crowell's avatar
From @CrowellBrian
@GavinNewsom @AGBecerra @CaStateAuditor Please investigate the California Charter School Association and Green Dot…
#SupportPublicSchools's avatar
From @SavePublicEduc
@CrowellBrian @DotKohlhaas @GavinNewsom @AGBecerra @CaStateAuditor Write a petition!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SavePublicEduc: FYI, @castateauditor is engaging in racial discrimination. 2/3 of applicants for the redistricting commission are white. Watch & see: ~2/3 of those selected won't be white. IOW, they'll have discriminated against one race.
Jackie Botts's avatar
From @jackie_botts
Seeking more diversity in the commission to draw political districts, California extended the app deadline to Aug 1…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Bad reporting-> MT @jackie_botts Seeking more diversity in [redistricting commission], CA extended the app deadline.. "These commissioners are going to have to decide, do we split Koreatown in two? What about what’s left of the Latino Mission district in San Francisco?" - @reylc
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jackie_botts: a real liberal would oppose @reylc wanting @castateauditor to engage in discrimination. A real reporter would call them on it, e.g., does Rey think Korean-Ams in Sacramento have some genetic knowledge of L.A.'s Koreatown's boundaries? Be a real reporter.
Ben Adler's avatar
From @adlerben
Pro tip for PR/Comms folks: Before using the phrase "major announcement" in an advisory, ask yourself if your anno…
Lance Christensen's avatar
From @lancelands
@adlerben That's some fine subtweeting there, Ben. If I didn't get, idk, at least weekly emails like this (sometime…
Kevin Dayton's avatar
From @DaytonPubPolicy
@lancelands It's very important in California - on the state AND local level - to declare your legislative achievem…
Alex Vassar 📚's avatar
From @AlexCVassar
@DaytonPubPolicy @lancelands One of my favorite lines to repeat (from a conversation a few years ago) was "Nobody e…
Lance Christensen's avatar
From @lancelands
@AlexCVassar @DaytonPubPolicy Maybe they should read the @CaStateAuditor reports on Fi$Cal... #caleg
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@lancelands: the @CaStateAuditor is actively and publicly engaging in racial discrimination. See "California stretches applicant deadline to draw political districts - pool's too white, too male". Does @SenatorMoorlach oppose racial discrimination? What will he do about it?
Jeff Clements's avatar
From @ClementsJeff
RT @kathayccc: Ca deadline to apply for 2020 Citizens Redistricting Commission extended: August 19 Be part of the p…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ClementsJeff [American Promise, Whaleback Partners] @kathayccc [of Common Cause]: @castateauditor is engaging in blatant racial & gender discrimination: the wrong race & gender replied to their call. Do your friends & colleagues know you support racial discrimination?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ShapeCAFuture @castateauditor: let's say there are 2 DTSes: one white, one Hispanic. You racially favor the Hispanic due to your racism. The white person you rejected due to their race was a moderate. The Hispanic is to the right of Franco. Explain the benefit.
Shape California's Future's avatar
From @ShapeCAFuture
California State Auditor Announces More Than 10,300 Applications Submitted for 2020 Citizens Redistricting Commissi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I'm going to use FOIA to get records of your racist decisions over who's appointed. Since most applicants are white, you'll discriminate against whites. MT @ShapeCAFuture @castateauditor Announces More Than 10,300 Applications Submitted for 2020 Citizens Redistricting Commission