Tweets to Andrew Morse

Andrew Morse's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Andrew Morse
Cranston, Rhode Island
Blogger, writer, and interviewer at Believer in God, physics, Bayesian statistics and sociology for conservatives.
Tweets to this user:
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
"Are campaigns simply getting off to a later start now?" Not a @Slatepitch!
Andrew Morse's avatar
From @CAndrewMorse
@kausmickey I was a little surprised to see Kasich listed as "more electable" than Jeb at the end, in the same class w/Walker & Rubio..
Andrew Morse's avatar
From @CAndrewMorse
@kausmickey ..and then, right away, I was able to find an article like this:
Andrew Morse's avatar
From @CAndrewMorse
@kausmickey It's not too early to get paranoid about liberals trying to push Kasich on the GOP as the "good" Republican, is it?
Jason Hart's avatar
From @jasonahart
@CAndrewMorse @kausmickey not at all - the press has been doing so for awhile, and it's only gotten more obvious:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jasonahart: are you familiar with what Kaus did in 2007 attempting to stop amnesty? Do you remember that?
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
White House spinners so desperate to avoid debate on work permits that they contradict Obama, Jeh Johnson
Andrew Morse's avatar
From @CAndrewMorse
@kausmickey It's been odd, how POTUS' opponents on immigration haven't talked more about "work permits", given that.. 1/3
Andrew Morse's avatar
From @CAndrewMorse
@kausmickey ..they are obviously the most constitutionally suspect of his executive actions. 2/3
Andrew Morse's avatar
From @CAndrewMorse
@kausmickey Don't attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence, maybe? 3/3
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CAndrewMorse: anti-amnesty leaders are corrupt and incompetent. Opposing but not stopping amnesty keeps them in Little Debbie. #teaparty