Tweets to Berny Belvedere

Berny Belvedere's avatar
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Berny Belvedere
Miami, FL
Editor in Chief @ArcDigi | Contributor @WashingtonPost and elsewhere | Philosophy Prof | Centrist Accelerationist. Stridently Generalist. Pluralist. Christian.
Tweets to this user:
Heath Mayo's avatar
From @HeathMayo
I’m a Southern Baptist Evangelical—and I’m not for Trump because he has poor character. His language and behavior a…
Berny Belvedere's avatar
From @bernybelvedere
@HeathMayo Solidarity, brother. He owns a lot of us, but not all of us.
lolalayla's avatar
From @lelalaylalola
@HeathMayo I’m still on team “I don’t understand how they see those things in Trump”. Baffles me.
Teri Adams's avatar
From @Teri_A_Adams
@HeathMayo Likewise, Heath. I'm a Catholic and Trump doesn't represent me or my faith. I'm absolutely appalled by C…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @HeathMayo [as a] Southern Baptist Evangelical [I oppose] Trump because he has poor character. His language/behavior are crass. He has assaulted women/bullied the disabled, & is an unapologetic adulterer. He doesn’t represent me or my faith. Our standards should be higher.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If you don't understand how to play guitar or even why people like hearing guitar, should you be the one taking the solos? Apply that to Trump & all the millions like you. MT @lelalaylalola I [still, in Jan 2020] don’t understand how they see those things in Trump. Baffles me.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Teri_A_Adams: Trump's one of few pols against anti-American NeoLiberal policies (loose borders/free trade/globalism). MAGA thus overlooks flaws. @HeathMayo can't grok that so is worthless at opposing Trump. I've opposed him since Aug 2015 because he's fake on those policies.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bernybelvedere: I accurately described in Aug 2015 how Trump's grand plans would fail miserably. Using that against Trump would've made his candidacy an amusing footnote. Obviously, @HeathMayo & all the other jib-cut-critics have no clue about undercutting/bettering Trump.