Tweets to Ben Pershing

Ben Pershing's avatar
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Ben Pershing
Washington, DC
Politics Editor @WSJ. Former @nationaljournal @washingtonpost & @rollcall. @UCBerkeley alum. L.A. native. Vin Scully forever.
Tweets to this user:
Ben Pershing's avatar
From @benpershing
Good piece by @pkcapitol. These kinds of changes would require the kind of bipartisan non-aggression pact (where ea…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@benpershing hypes @pkcapitol 's ways to make "Congress look more like the people it serves". IOW, both of them support this: majority black areas can only have black leaders majority Hispanic areas can only have Hispanic leaders majority white areas can only have white leaders
Ben Pershing's avatar
From @benpershing
Again, you have to wonder whether Republicans could've saved some of these House seats if they'd had a slightly bet…
Noah Rudnick's avatar
From @rudnicknoah
@benpershing Cox didn't even do horribly, though not great. but the odds Trump gets more than 38% in 2020...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rudnicknoah: hey Noah, @benpershing thinks majority white districts should only be represented by whites; you can find it in his feed if you think what he hypes through. Do you agree with Ben blacks should be kept from representing majority white districts? #NationalJournal