Tweets to CNN Politics

CNN Politics's avatar
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CNN Politics
Washington, D.C.
Political news, campaign stories and Washington coverage from CNN's political team.
Tweets to this user:
Frank Luntz's avatar
From @FrankLuntz
I didn’t see pundits mentioning @BernieSanders very much after the most recent #DemDebate. But my @LATimes focus g…
Troy Rudd ✊🌹 Central Park Activities Director's avatar
From @troyrudd
@FrankLuntz @BernieSanders @latimes Try asking @CNNPolitics why they just used a 40-day old poll to try to frame Sa…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Why should they? He's not going to say anything new & the only questions they'd ask him or any other pol are fluffballs. Why waste the gas from El Segundo? MT @troyrudd why they didn't [#latimes] bother to cover 14,000+ [Bernie] rally at Venice Beach
CNN Politics's avatar
From @CNNPolitics
Sen. Cory Booker: President Trump is “complicit” in the rise of white supremacist violence, has failed “to condemn…
Judy's avatar
From @JudyChu06634420
@CNNPolitics Corey was fantastic tonight! I love his experience with Mayor of Newark.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
How many yuan is he paying you and all the rest? #BookerTownHall #MAGA #resist RT @JudyChu06634420 Corey was fantastic tonight! I love his experience with Mayor of Newark.
Ron Coleman's avatar
From @RonColeman
RT @CNNPolitics: Moderate GOP voices on immigration are at risk of a November wipeout in the House | Analysis by CNN's Harry Enten https://…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RonColeman: what Harry Enten & @CNNPolitics call "[m]oderate GOP voices on immigration" would flood the USA with cheap labor, greatly harming your fellow Americans. P.S. Trump supports amnesty just like those "moderates".
Don Burcham's avatar
From @burcham_don
RT @CNNPolitics: Donald Trump Jr. has a history of incorrectly suggesting Twitter is censoring or blocking tweets h…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Hey, I've been to Normal. Also, my data (actual data) shows #Twitter censors up to 60% of replies to newsmakers. About as many libs as cons. MT @burcham_don RT @CNNPolitics: Donald Trump Jr. has a history of incorrectly suggesting Twitter is censoring or blocking tweets
Hunter Schwarz's avatar
From @hunterschwarz
RT @donie: Donald Trump Jr. has a history of incorrectly suggesting Twitter is censoring or blocking tweets @CNNPolitics @hunterschwarz htt…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@hunterschwarz @donie: my top tweet shows that replies to U.S. govt accounts are heavily censored. About as many libs as cons are affected. See the reports on Ajit Pai, Scott Pruitt, Mnuchin, etc. Twitter is probably lying to millions of their users. When will #CNN cover that?
CNN Politics's avatar
From @CNNPolitics
How can President Trump lie so much and be "authentic" at the same time? Here's one explanation | Analysis by CNN's…
Red River Report's avatar
From @RedRiverReport
@CNNPolitics @realDonaldTrump is the best @POTUS. I can't say enough good things about how America has been running…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Is Trump asking candidates who want his endorsement to support amnesty, yes or no? MT @RedRiverReport Trump is the best POTUS. I can't say enough good things about [the wannabe caudillo]
Western_Veteran's avatar
From @USAF_1983to1998
@CNNPolitics Rene Marsh, Sophie Tatum and Gregory Wallace (aka CNN Liberal Political hacks) Question EPA Pruitt's 1…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@USAF_1983to1998: you call @sophie_tatum a "CNN Liberal Political hack" for her blog on Pruitt security, asking how much is spent on HRC. Isn't she a bigger target than Pruitt? Is it conservative to support his pro-Big Biz moves that harm USA? P.S. Thank her for only going low.
David Batchelor's avatar
From @davidabatchelor
Trump meets with Pruitt amid mounting controversy over his extravagance @CNNPolitics by Ren…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@davidabatchelor: odd how @sophie_tatum isn't covering the cost of Pruitt's #EPA policies (including secondary, tertiary, etc. & long-term impacts), just the low hanging fruit of his security detail. Almost like she's told not to rock that boat. #CNN #resist
CNN Politics's avatar
From @CNNPolitics
Philip Mudd, a former CIA official, describes the death of a CIA agent memorialized on the CIA Memorial Wall
Donna Lovern's avatar
From @donna_lovern
@CNNPolitics I think Mudd's rebuke of DJT's behavior @ CIA was spot on and very powerful. Thank You Phil. Call' like ya see 'um!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@donna_lovern @debbyrne52: re your replies below, #PhilipMudd said today that he's more worried about where he'll get tomorrow's "latte" than #immigration. Despite it being the most fundamental domestic issue.
CNN Politics's avatar
From @CNNPolitics
Arc de Trump? The GOP hopeful wishes for a D.C. statue via @KilloughCNN
MargeSimpson27's avatar
From @cindypope
@CNNPolitics @KilloughCNN And yet your network promotes him 24/7. He is a very sick man.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@cindypope: #CNN went easy on Saddam in exchange for access: they suck up to power. Eg, @KilloughCNN refused to ask Jeb tough questions.
