Tweets to Amy Mitchell

Amy Mitchell's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Amy Mitchell
Washington, DC
Director, Journalism Research @PewResearch Center; Director @pewjournalism. research design & methods, writer, editor, speaker, manager, #futureofnews
Tweets to this user:
Michael Johnston's avatar
From @MJohnston60
RT @asmitch: Thrilled to share findings from our study of how Americans distinguish btwn factual statements & opinion in the news-some do f…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MJohnston60: MSM constantly deceives about key issues. E.g., referring to illegal aliens as "immigrants" when that's a contradiction in terms. @asmitch wants people to accept MSM deception as fact. #PewInternet also used bogus data in a past study. I suggest not enabling them