Tweets to Sara Pryce

Sara Pryce's avatar
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Sara Pryce
New York City Bitches!
The Official Page of everyone's favorite actress, comedian and game show host, Sara Pryce. Democrat patriot fighting to protect America from the tea party.
Tweets to this user:
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@AntisocialinNY: what sort of "liberal" sides with Big Banks who want to profit from massive #immigration designed to lā€¦
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@AntisocialinNY: what sort of "liberal" sides with Big Banks who want to profit from massive #immigration designed to lower wages? #occupy
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@24AheadDotCom @AntisocialinNY Our modern American "liberals" don't really hold with working-people. Except as cheap labor and servants.
Sara Pryce's avatar
From @AntisocialinNY
@johnkt09 @24AheadDotCom Oh boy it looks like the brain trust has hit the scene.
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@AntisocialinNY @24AheadDotCom Cheap, too.
Sara Pryce's avatar
From @AntisocialinNY
@johnkt09 @24AheadDotCom You wacky hemp heads.
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@AntisocialinNY @24AheadDotCom At least we've got some grasp on economics, unlike the average "liberal" (or "conservative" for that matter).
Sara Pryce's avatar
From @AntisocialinNY
@johnkt09 @24AheadDotCom I am honored to be in your presence o wise one.
Sara Pryce's avatar
From @AntisocialinNY
@johnkt09 @24AheadDotCom You know this is Twitter, right?
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@AntisocialinNY You should be. I'm slumming here from Usenet, where the smart people are. @24AheadDotCom
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@AntisocialinNY All too vividly. @24AheadDotCom
Sara Pryce's avatar
From @AntisocialinNY
@johnkt09 @24AheadDotCom Oh shit you're a time traveler too???
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@AntisocialinNY Lost me on that one. But Q: Where were the liberals when the TBTF bank-trusts were forming under Clinton? @24AheadDotCom
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@AntisocialinNY And how many liberals mention the OIl Bubble of 2006-8 and its deliberate trashing of the economy? @24AheadDotCom
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@AntisocialinNY And imagine #Nixon sending FBI around to NYT and networks to "persuade" them to not cover antiwar protests. @24AheadDotCom
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@AntisocialinNY I'm a little down on modern American liberalism. Being a "pizen" liberal myself. @24AheadDotCom
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@24AheadDotCom @AntisocialinNY Ted Rall realizes #CIR is bad for working class:
Sara Pryce's avatar
From @AntisocialinNY
@Glaivester Why is this coming to me?
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@AntisocialinNY I tend to tweet people whom @24AheadDotCom mentions, I think he mentioned you because you RTd this: