Tweets to TrumpsBlonde™️ He’s Got This #TrustTrump‼️

TrumpsBlonde™️ He’s Got This #TrustTrump‼️'s avatar
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TrumpsBlonde™️ He’s Got This #TrustTrump‼️
N of Donald’s Wall
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Tweets to this user:
Stand Up Speak Out's avatar
From @StandUpAnne
RT @TrumpsBlonde: .@BrentBozell: "This is the emerging of the greatest censorship of free speech worldwide in the history of man. Now, let…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
BB (who called me out of the blue some years ago) isn't helping by just making it a con thing. #Twitter censors as many libs as cons. MT @StandUpAnne RT @TrumpsBlonde @BrentBozell says "This is the emerging of the greatest censorship of free speech worldwide in history of man"