Tweets to patriot paul

patriot paul's avatar
Twitter handle: 
patriot paul
Tennessee U.S.A
Our Govt Is Corrupted!Do Away with Fed, protect our borders, and constitution,do away with tax structure! & IRS Gestapo if I follow u pls follow back
Tweets to this user:
patriot paul's avatar
From @americanpaul202
RT @AnnInquirer: THANK YOU FOR THE FOLLOW. Twitter does not like my all-American stance & has #Shadowbanned me so that my Tweets do not maโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
My data (actual data) shows Twitter heavily censors libs, cons, sports fans, music fans... By making it all about your group you help Twitter by shrinking the tent. MT @americanpaul202 MT @AnnInquirer: Twitter does not like my all-American stance & has #Shadowbanned me