Tweets to (((The Alex Nowrasteh)))

(((The Alex Nowrasteh)))'s avatar
Twitter handle: 
(((The Alex Nowrasteh)))
Washington, DC
@CatoInstitute Dir. of Immigration Studies. “Harsh libertarian critic.” Globalist. Elitist. Cosmopolitan. Dad. All tweets are peer reviewed.
Tweets to this user:
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@AlexNowrasteh: are you hiding your Burbank Adjacent past? #LosAngeles #tcot #ows
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@AlexNowrasteh: since all you can discuss is personal crap, what's "near Burbank"? Glendale? Sun Valley? #NoHoBoHo? #Lo…
The Herald Examiner's avatar
From @HeraldExaminer
RT @cypresshillcity: "@24AheadDotCom: .@AlexNowrasteh: are you hiding your Burbank Adjacent past? #LosAngeles #tcot #ows"
CypressHillMundo's avatar
From @cypresshillcity
"@24AheadDotCom: .@AlexNowrasteh: are you hiding your Burbank Adjacent past? #LosAngeles #tcot #ows"
The Herald Examiner's avatar
From @HeraldExaminer
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@AlexNowrasteh: are you hiding your Burbank Adjacent past? #LosAngeles #tcot #ows
The Herald Examiner's avatar
From @HeraldExaminer
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@AlexNowrasteh: since all you can discuss is personal crap, what's "near Burbank"? Glendale? Sun Valley? #NoHoBoHo? #Lo…
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@AlexNowrasteh: are you hiding your Burbank Adjacent past? #LosAngeles #tcot #ows
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@AlexNowrasteh: since all you can discuss is personal crap, what's "near Burbank"? Glendale? Sun Valley? #NoHoBoHo? #LosAngeles #tcot #ows
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@joshuaculling: can you ask @AlexNowrasteh why he can't answer these simple culture + #immigration questions? #tcot
Ксюша Максимова's avatar
From @joshuaculling
@24AheadDotCom @AlexNowrasteh sure i'll get back to you
(((The Alex Nowrasteh)))'s avatar
From @AlexNowrasteh
.@joshuaculling. @24AheadDotCom has been trolling me with inane questions. My policy with trolls it to block them, so he is blocked.
Marc Emmelmann's avatar
From @MarcEmmelmann
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@AlexNowrasteh: every one of your debates ends with you running away. Too bad you can't figure out why. #immigration #t…
