Tweets to Michelle Tuzee

Michelle Tuzee's avatar
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Michelle Tuzee
Los Angeles
@abc7 Eyewitness News 5 and 11 p.m. anchor. FB and Instagram: ABC7Michelle
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@abc7michelle: you hype a food bank. For our upper crust it's a form of indulgences that papers over the real problem. The problems that've caused most CA problem are SJWs + NeoLiberalism (ie the Koch loose borders/free trade/globalism agenda that both Ds & Rs push).
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@abc7michelle: I saw a PSA on #abc7eyewitness warning people not to drink rain water without filtering and boiling it first. Doesn't everyone know they shouldn't drink raw rain water from about the age of 5?
Ellen Leyva's avatar
From @abc7ellen
Celebrating 50 years of Eyewitness News! The gang’s together! ⁦@abc7davidono⁩ ⁦@abc7marc⁩ ⁦@abc7michelle⁩ ⁦…
Ivey McClelland 💖🎥🎶's avatar
From @iveyjanette_207
@abc7ellen @abc7davidono @abc7marc @abc7michelle @abc7coleen @abc7danny @abc7dallas @abc7rob History! Congrats on 5…
Clyle Alt's avatar
From @clylealt
@abc7ellen @abc7davidono @abc7marc @abc7michelle @abc7coleen @abc7danny @abc7dallas @abc7rob I've been watching for…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@clylealt: @abc7ellen hypes #First5 trying to get kids to learn a 2nd language. Knowing other languages is great. But, in practice, First5 is pushing Americans to learn Spanish. Our elites want Americans to assimilate to their workers. Look at it cynically, as you should.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@iveyjanette_207: @abc7ellen (probably unwittingly) pushes a @first5ca scheme similar to the link. Think about all the meetings #First5CA had about their campaign, all the politics & stringpulling involved. Leyva is at best an unwitting stooge.