Tweets to Ethan Grey

Ethan Grey's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Ethan Grey
I occasionally make social research threads, but I mostly tell racists to shut the fuck up. Progressive Democrat who will vote blue no matter who.
Tweets to this user:
Steadman™'s avatar
From @AsteadWesley
**extreme teacher voice** If you did the readings (my tweets) you should not be surprised at how much Warren talk…
Ethan Grey's avatar
From @_EthanGrey
@AsteadWesley I am convinced she read the Coates piece and saw the HR40 litmus test he put forth.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@_EthanGrey: Warren's very pro-Big Biz immigration policies would harm workers of all colors. @AsteadWesley demagogues racial issues because he can't discuss how very pro-Big Biz Warren is: he owes his job to a pro-mass immigration billionaire from Mexico. #WarrenTownHall
🏳️‍🌈Lisa Talmadge 🔥🏳️‍🌈's avatar
From @LisaTalmadge
RT @_EthanGrey: 6. We must be cognizant of what Trump ran on: calling Mexicans rapists, banning Muslim immigration, building a wall to keep…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
In reality, Trump rules as Ethan wants: despite his bluster he's very pro-Koch like Ethan. MT @LisaTalmadge RT @_EthanGrey: 6. We must be cognizant of what Trump ran on: calling Mexicans rapists, banning Muslim immigration, building a wall to keep undocumented immigrants out...