Tweets to Neil Munro

Neil Munro's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Neil Munro
Washington D.C.
Born Irish, then a Cold War bridegroom. I worked at Defense News, Washington Technology, 10 years at National Journal, then TheDC, now Breitbart. Lucky me.
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NeilMunroDC blogs "Trump and his top aides are expected to debate next week how many refugees to invite into the United States in 2020 - and progressives fear the refugee number may be zero." That's pretend fear. They know they're smarter than Trump & #Breitbart. #immigration
Neil Munro's avatar
From @NeilMunroDC
A lawsuit claims the nation's chicken-processing industry colluded to suppress wages for hundreds of thousands of A…
Bill Kennedy's avatar
From @blkndy
@NeilMunroDC @FieldRoamer
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
#Breitbart is less than worthless at opposing that: they only use the issue for clicks, they don't pressure Trump to go after Big Biz (instead of nobodies), & they marginalize concerns. MT @blkndy MT @NeilMunroDC "lawsuit claims [chicken processors] colluded to suppress wages...
Rep. Zoe Lofgren's avatar
From @RepZoeLofgren
Trump’s chaotic policies have exacerbated the US border situation, causing death and unforgivable conditions for mi…
kris's avatar
From @Ret2023
@RepZoeLofgren #HR1044 Where is the legal immigration issue addressed here? Why Democrats focus only on illegal immigration?
I. Nelson Rose's avatar
From @I_Nelson_Rose
@RepZoeLofgren The power of images was shown by the photo of the drown father and daughter. Why have there not been…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Ret2023: we don't need to worry about Lofgren's #HR1044, @NeilMunroDC & #Breitbart are on the case. They're mounting a smart, pro-American, big tent campaign against it & not just using it for clicks. So, we can just sit back knowing that conservatives are on the case!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@I_Nelson_Rose: check out @RepZoeLofgren 's "Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act". The only thing more corporate would be letting Facebook print its own money. She covers her #immigration moves behind touchy-feely language, but it's always about helping Big Biz make money.
Jacob Palmieri's avatar
From @jakepalmieri
RT @FAIRImmigration: Jared Kushner's Immigration Plan Collides with Agriculture Industry via @BreitbartNews @NeilMu…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jakepalmieri: @NeilMunroDC & Breitbart have repeatedly pushed amnesties - like the Goodlatte amnesty - as "pro-American immigration reform" & similar. Are you also trying to fool your audience into supporting amnesty just because Trump - in part a Koch puppet - pushes it?
Filippo Maria O di B 🇮🇹 🇺🇸's avatar
From @Filippo60
RT @NeilMunroDC: GOP leaders & appropriators botch their immigration talks w/ ruthless Democrats, then bargain w/ Trump to avoid a veto by…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Filippo60: all @NeilMunroDC & Breitbart had to do was give Trump smart, sane, patriotic anti-amnesty arguments designed to undercut Dem leaders to their base. Trump only using Breitbart-style arguments clearly doesn't work.
Neil Munro's avatar
From @NeilMunroDC
Trump let himself be kept in the dark over terms of 2019 border-security deal. The Dems hid their smiles as GOP app…
Patrick Lewis's avatar
From @plewis1956
@NeilMunroDC In other words, he’s in well over his head
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You're incompetent. MT @NeilMunroDC Trump let himself be kept in the dark over terms of 2019 border-security deal. Dems hid their smiles as GOP appropriators gave up many policy wins, incl. a UAC amnesty. No sign of Trump's staff in the talks. IOW, he is contained by the estb.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@plewis1956: not only is Trump grossly incompetent, but so too is @NeilMunroDC. If Munro were even slightly competent, he would have realized how incompetent Trump is & helped with plans to make him more patriotic. Munro, Trump, Breitbart, etc are like Dunning-Kruger on speed.
Neil Munro's avatar
From @NeilMunroDC
GOP leaders & appropriators botch their immigration talks w/ ruthless Democrats, then bargain w/ Trump to avoid a v…
#ReleaseTheMemo's avatar
From @ReleaseMemeaux
@NeilMunroDC @vdare It’s a trend not an event. MM record speaks for itself. Democrats tell you they will screw yo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ReleaseMemeaux: Trump, Breitbart, @NeilMunroDC, etc are swamp critters. All Breitbart/Munro had to do was stop acting like Trump's Pravda for once & start really working to hold him accountable. Trump could have destroyed the *concept* of amnesty if they weren't just grifters.
Neil Munro's avatar
From @NeilMunroDC
ACLU etc. get a friend in the 9th circuit to block the President 's defense of the nation's borders, despite compet…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
And if only that keeper wasn't there, Trump woulda scored! If you & Trump were smart, sane, & patriotic you could figure out how to solve these problems. MT @NeilMunroDC ...ACLU etc. get a friend in the 9th circuit to block the President 's defense of the nation's borders...
Neil Munro's avatar
From @NeilMunroDC
Wall St. Journal admits that Central American laborers and shopkeepers are hacking US asylum law by bringing childr…
Mo ❤'s avatar
From @SthLibertarian
@NeilMunroDC @RMConservative @SheilaQ30
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SthLibertarian: Trump told DailyCaller he's eager to work with Dems on amnesty. @NeilMunroDC, Binder, Pollak, etc of Breitbart all push amnesty as "patriotic". Trump is following the GWB model: talk tough on the border to get amnesty. GWB had flacks like Trump has Breitbart.
Jim Jatras's avatar
From @JimJatras
#Swamp wins again. #BuildTheWall
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JimJatras: in 2016 I pointed out to you Trump isn't capable of undercutting BLM. He had a golden opp but lacks smarts/sanity/patriotism. Likewise @NeilMunroDC lacks smarts/sanity/patriotism(?) to reveal how easily Congress will undercut "wall".
